eclipse-birt / birt

Eclipse BIRT™ The open source reporting and data visualization project.
Eclipse Public License 2.0
416 stars 385 forks source link

Eclipse BIRT Build Status

The open source Eclipse BIRT reporting and data visualization project.


Create a BIRT Development Environment

Building BIRT

BIRT is built with Apache Maven through Tycho on Eclipse CI.

To build BIRT with the latest Eclipse platform, run:

mvn clean verify -DskipTests=true

Building environment

Eclipse Version

If you want to install BIRT as a plug-in, please be aware that BIRT 4.14 requires Eclipse 4.30 or higher, and Java 17 or higher.

Latest Version 4.15.0

Current Version 4.15.0

Latest Snapshots Towards 4.16.0</birt.version>