eclipse-csi / otterdog

OtterDog is a tool to manage GitHub organizations at scale using a configuration as code approach. It is actively used by the Eclipse Foundation to manage its numerous projects hosted on GitHub.
Eclipse Public License 2.0
20 stars 2 forks source link
asyncio configuration-as-code github-config python security supply-chain

Build Documentation status PyPI PyPI - Python Versions EPLv2 License



Otterdog is a tool to manage GitHub organizations at scale using a configuration as code approach. It is actively developed by the Eclipse Foundation and used to manage its numerous projects hosted on GitHub.


To install and use the cli part of otterdog you have to install the following:

Otterdog Presentation @ Open Source Summit 2023

Default Configuration used @ Eclipse Foundation


The documentation is available at

Build instructions

System requirements:

Building Steps

$ make init
$ ./ -h


The general configuration for supported organizations and their corresponding credentials in order to access their GitHub settings has to be placed in a json file (default: otterdog.json, can be changed with the -c flag), e.g.:

  "organizations": [
      "name": "<org name>",
      "github_id": "<github org id>",
      "credentials": {
        "provider": "<bitwarden | pass>",
        "item_id" : "39adacc9-2b51-41a9-a27e-ac7c00eea6a5"


Otterdog needs certain credentials to access information from an organization and its repositories on GitHub:

The login / username / 2FA seed are required to access the web interface of GitHub in order to retrieve certain settings that are not accessible via its rest / graphql API.

The GitHub api token needs to have the following scopes enabled:

The credentials can be stored in different providers (bitwarden, pass).


When using bitwarden to store the credentials, you need to enter a valid item id as additional credential data:

  "organizations": [
      "name": "<org name>",
      "github_id": "<github org id>",
      "credentials": {
        "provider": "bitwarden",
        "item_id" : "<bitwarden item id>"

The item stored in bitwarden needs to contain the following information (a sample json output of such an item):

  "object": "item",
  "id": "<bitwarden item id>",
  "name": "<item name>",
  "fields": [
      "name": "api_token_admin",
      "value": "<github API token>"
  "login": {
    "username": "<github username>",
    "password": "<github password>",
    "totp": "<github TOTP text code>"

Mandatory items:


When using pass to store the credentials, you need to enter fully qualified pass names to access the various required credential data:

  "organizations": [
      "name": "<org name>",
      "github_id": "<github org id>",
      "credentials": {
        "provider": "pass",
        "api_token": "<path/to/api_token>",
        "username": "<path/to/username>",
        "password": "<path/to/password>",
        "2fa_seed": "<path/to/2fa_seed>"

In case your password storage dir is not located at the default location, you can configurate that in the defaults:

  "defaults": {
    "pass": {
      "password_store_dir": "path/to/storage/dir"


Run the import operation to retrieve the current live configuration for an organization:

$ import <organization>

The created configuration file for the organization can be found at <data-directory>/orgs/<organization>.jsonnet

Run the plan operation to highlight differences between the live configuration and the written configuration:

$ plan <organization>

Run apply operation to reflect the written configuration on github itself:

$ apply <organization>