eclipse-ditto / ditto

Eclipse Ditto™: Digital Twin framework of Eclipse IoT - main repository
Eclipse Public License 2.0
691 stars 225 forks source link
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Eclipse Ditto™

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Eclipse Ditto™ is a technology in the IoT implementing a software pattern called “digital twins”.
A digital twin is a virtual, cloud based, representation of his real world counterpart (real world “Things”, e.g. devices like sensors, smart heating, connected cars, smart grids, EV charging stations, …).

An ever growing list of adopters makes use of Ditto as part of their IoT platforms - if you're as well using it, it would be super nice to show your adoption here.


Find the documentation on the project site:

Eclipse Ditto™ explorer UI

Find a live version of the latest explorer UI:

You should be able to work with your locally running default using the local_ditto environment - and you can add additional environments to also work with e.g. with a deployed installation of Ditto.

Star History

Star History Chart

Getting started

In order to start up Ditto via Docker Compose, you'll need:

You also have other possibilities to run Ditto, please have a look here to explore them.

Start Ditto

In order to start the latest built Docker images from Docker Hub, simply execute:

cd deployment/docker/
docker-compose up -d

Check the logs after starting up:

docker-compose logs -f

Open following URL to get started: http://localhost:8080
Or have a look at the "Hello World"

Additional deployment options are also available, if Docker Compose is not what you want to use.

Development Guide

If you plan to develop extensions in Ditto or to contribute some code, the following steps are of interest for you.

:warning: If you just want to start/use Ditto, please ingore the following sections!

Build and start Ditto locally

In order to build Ditto, you'll need:

In order to first build Ditto and then start the built Docker images.

1. Build Ditto with Maven

mvn clean install

Skip tests:

mvn clean install -DskipTests

2. Build local Ditto Docker snapshot images


If your infrastructure requires a proxy, its host and port can be set using the -p option like for example:

./ -p

Please note that the given host and port automatically applies for HTTP and HTTPS.

3. Start Ditto with local snapshot images

cd ../deployment/docker/
# the "dev.env" file contains the SNAPSHOT number of Ditto, copy it to ".env" so that docker compose uses it:
cp dev.env .env
docker-compose up -d

Check the logs after starting up:

docker-compose logs -f

You have now running: