eclipse-efx / efxclipse-drift

Eclipse Public License 2.0
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DriftFX - The Direct Rendering Infrastructure for JavaFX

DriftFX allows you to render any OpenGL content directly into JavaFX nodes.
Direct means that there is no transfer between GPU and main memory. The textures never leave the GPU.


Automated Builds

Nightly Builds

This build triggers on push to master.
It uses the version 999.0.0 with the git commit timestamp and the short git sha as qualifier.
The artifacts are published as p2 repository and as maven snapshot. Note: nexus sets its own qualifier which is always later than the git commit timestamp.
The nightly p2 repos are at
The maven snapshots are at

Release Builds

Release builds are triggered by creating a tag beginning with v followed by the version number.
The artifacts are also published as p2 repository and as maven releases.
A github release is created for each release build. See Releases. It always contains a link to the corresponding p2 repository and details about the maven repository.
The release p2 repos are at
The maven releases are at



    // you acquire the Renderer api by calling getRenderer on your surface
    Renderer renderer = GLRenderer.getRenderer(surface)

    // on your render thread you do the following:

    // first you create your own opengl context & make it current

    // in your render loop you manage your swapchain instance

    // you can fetch the current size of the surface by asking the renderer
    Vec2i size = renderer.getSize();

    if (swapchain == null || size.x != swapchain.getConfig().size.x || size.y != swapchain.getConfig().size.y) {
        // re-create the swapchain
        if (swapchain != null) {
        swapchain = renderer.createSwapchain(new SwapchainConfig(size, 2, PresentationMode.MAILBOX, StandardTransferTypes.MainMemory);

    // to draw you acquire a RenderTarget from the swapchain
    RenderTarget target = swapchain.acquire(); // this call is blocking, if there is no RenderTarget available it will wait until one gets available

    int texId = GLRenderer.getGLTextureId(target);

    // now you setup a framebuffer with this texture and draw onto it

    // once you are finished with the frame you call present on the swapchain


The cpp bindings are based on a header file (driftcpp.h) and a source file (driftcpp.cpp) you have to include in your project. The initialization is done by calling driftfx::initialize(JNIEnv* env, jobject classLoader). The jni env needs to be a valid jni env and the classLoader has to be the java class loader which has access to the org.eclipse.fx.drift package. On a plain java 8 this could be the system class loader, in an osgi environment it needs to be a classloader which has access to the package, and on java 11 .. (TBD jigsaw stuff). The API aims to be similar to the Java API.

    // include the cpp bindings header
    #include "driftcpp.h"

    // first you need to initialize the cpp bindings:
    driftfx::initialize(env, classLoader); // its important that the passed in classLoader has access to the org.eclipse.fx.drift package!

    // you can also dispose the cpp bindings again by calling

    // the entrypoint is to acquire a C++ Renderer by passing in the Java Renderer
    // this should happen on your renderer thread
    // you may need to attach your thread to the jvm to acquire a vaild JNIEnv

    driftfx::Renderer* renderer = driftfx::initializeRenderer(env, javaRenderer);

    // then you create your own opengl context & make it current

    // in your renderloop

    if (swapchain == null || needsResize()) {

        if (swapchain != null) {
            delete swapchain;

        driftfx::SwapchainConfig cfg;
        cfg.imageCount = 2;
        cfg.size = renderer->getSize();
        cfg.transferType = driftfx::StandardTransferTypes::MainMemory;
        swapchain = renderer->createSwapchain(cfg);

    driftfx::RenderTarget* target = swapchain->acquire();

    GLuint texId = driftfx::GLRenderer::getGLTextureId(target);

    // setup framebuffer and draw


Transfer Types

The different ways to transfer the texture to JavaFX are implemented as TransferTypes.

The transfer type needs to be specified at swapchain creation. See Usage for examples.


Known issues


See Development Setup