eclipse-uprotocol / up-python

uProtocol Language Specific Library for Python
Apache License 2.0
2 stars 9 forks source link
core python uprotocol

= Eclipse uProtocol Python Library :toc:

== Overview

This library implements the[uProtocol Language Specific Library Requirements] for Python defined in[uProtocol Specifications]. The library is organized into packages that are described in <> below and organized by the layers of the protocol.

Each package contains a README.adoc file that describes the purpose of the package and how to use it.

The module contains the factory methods, serializers, and validators for all data types defined in the specifications, and any data models that either haven't or couldn't be defined in uprotocol-core-api yet (ex. UPayload) This library fits into the big picture of the uProtocol SDK as seen in the diagram below.

.uProtocol SDK image:[#uprotocol-sdk,width=100%,align="center"]

== Getting Started

=== Prerequisites Before proceeding with the setup of this project, ensure that the following prerequisites are met:

NOTE: Ensure you are using Java 17 with your Maven installation before continuing with the next steps. Other versions of Java may not be supported.

=== Importing the Library

To set up SDK, follow the steps below:

. Clone the code from the GitHub repository: + [source]

git clone

. Execute the script using the following commands: + [source]

cd scripts python

This script automates the following tasks:

  1. Cloning and Compilation of Protos: Clones the up-core-api protos from the up-spec repository, compiles them, and generates Python protofiles in the protos folder.

. Install up-python + [source]

python -m pip install ../

This will install up-python, making its classes and modules available for import in your python code.

=== Using the Library

The Library is broken up into different packages that are described in <> below. Each package contains a README.adoc file that describes the purpose of the package and how to use it. Packages are organized into the following directories:

.SDK Packages [#sdk-packages,width=100%,cols="1,2,5",options="header"] |===

| Package | Protocol Layer | Purpose

| link:uprotocol/client/README.adoc[*client*] |[Application Layer (uP-L3)] | Top level client-facing interfaces to communication with USubscription, UDiscovery, and UTwin services.

| link:uprotocol/communication/README.adoc[*communication*] |[communication layer (uP-L2)] | Common implementation of communication messaging patterns (publisher, subscriber, Rpcclient, RpcServer, etc..) that is build on top of the L1 transport interface (see below)

| link:uprotocol/transport/README.adoc[*transport*] |[Transport Layer (uP-L1)] | Interface and data model for how to send() and receive() messages in a common way across various transport technologies (ex. zenoh, mqtt, http, etc...). the interface is implemented by transports (ex. up-transport-zenoh-python), and the interface is then used to build the uProtocol layer 2 communication layer implementation.

Uniform Resource Identifier (RFC3986), how uProtocol addresses things (devices, software, methods, topics, etc...) on the network.
Identifier used to uniquely identify (and timestamp) messages that are sent.


NOTE: Please visit the READMEs in <> for examples of how to use the different data types and their factories, validators, and serializers.

=== Cleaning Up

Clean up by running the command: python

=== Running the Tests


python -m coverage run --source uprotocol/ -m pytest

=== Generate coverage report


python -m coverage report python -m coverage html

This generates the HTML report to htmlcov\index.html