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Eclipse JNoSQL is a framework which has the goal to help Java developers to create Jakarta EE applications with NoSQL.
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Support for iterables #200

Closed rkrashr closed 4 years ago

rkrashr commented 5 years ago

DocumentCollectionManager::search produces a list. Do we assume that result will always comfortably fit in memory? In NoSQL world, it often doesn't and this prevents the whole (very convenient) API to be used at all.

We need a separate search implementation that returns an iterable, or a stream, or an observable

This would be easy to create from existing search implementation. Looking at drivers, most of the time it does iterable -> stream(iterable).collect(toList)

otaviojava commented 5 years ago

Hey, that totally makes sense. Furthermore, the iterable does not have alteration methods, therefore, they are perfect to read-only operation. I'll move this discussion also to the email list, please, stay tuned.

otaviojava commented 5 years ago

Thank you for the feedback

otaviojava commented 5 years ago

It’s been on my mental back-burner to try out some lazy-loading options in my driver. I’ve considered if it’d work to make a List implementation that lazy-loads internally, since that’d keep some handy methods that Iterable doesn’t have. On the other hand, maybe Stream would be most idiomatic now, and could have efficient count, etc. operations while also having a stronger implication of lazy-loading.


rkrashr commented 5 years ago

Hey @otaviojava , thanks for you comments. I am new to this project, just thought this would be useful. Stream would work in a generic way, I would leave it as iterable or rx observable. This way it is easier to handle exceptions

otaviojava commented 5 years ago

Ok, I checked several drivers and yes. Usually, they return as Iterable. I have on my mind two solutions both it will change the result to all search results.

We can change the result to Iterable itself, e.g.:

Iterable<DocumentEntity> query(String query);

What I propose it to have an interface to represents this result as iterable, therefore:

  1. We can have a Stream default method to make easier to the final user.
  2. We can create a default supplier where give the entities result from database and a converter, to translate the entities to Jakarta NoSQL API, it will create a default Result to the drives, so make to driver support as well.
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Function;

public interface Result<T> extends Iterable<T> {
    Stream<T> stream();

    static <E, T> Result<T> of(Iterable<E> entities, Function<E, T> converter) {
        Objects.requireNonNull(converter, "converter is required");
        Objects.requireNonNull(entities, "entities is required");
        final ResultSupplier<T, E> supplier = ServiceLoaderProvider.get(ResultSupplier.class);
        return supplier.apply(converter, entities);

    interface ResultSupplier<T, E> extends BiFunction<Function<E, T>, Iterable<E>, Result<T>> {


The new return:

Result<DocumentEntity> query(String query);


   //database provider side
  Iterable<DatabaseEntity> entities = ...;//native query
  Function<DatabaseEntity, ColumnEntity> converter = ...;//the translate logic
  final Result<ColumnEntity> result = Result.of(entities, converter);//return this value to the user

  //lazy value
  for (ColumnEntity columnEntity : result) {
  //return as Stream
  final Stream<ColumnEntity> columnEntityStream = result.toStream();
otaviojava commented 5 years ago

@rkrashr That is an amazing way to start! Thank you.

otaviojava commented 5 years ago

On the topic of working with iterables instead of lists: I like having either iterable or stream as the default internally, and then having the intermediary code able to convert between them. The nice thing there is that it could end up being whatever is most efficient for the driver... in Darwino, the internal Cursor maps pretty closely to Stream operations, so it could be very efficient implementing that directly Maybe ideally it'd be up to the driver: default to Iterable as the standard mechanism of exchange and use StreamSupport conversion as the default, but also have the option for drivers to produce customized Streams

by @jesse-gallagher

jesse-gallagher commented 5 years ago

Yes, looks good to me - easy to take current List-based implementations and switch to that, but then also smooth to add in efficient specialized versions.

Having lazy collections in general would take care of one of the places in my apps where I have to dip into the native API - namely, getting collection counts. The more I can work with Repository objects, the better.

otaviojava commented 5 years ago

I've created the first PR:

otaviojava commented 5 years ago

@keilw what do you think?

keilw commented 5 years ago

@otaviojava @jesse-gallagher Can you explain the need for a duplicate of List or Collection? Hazelcast or Apache Ignite offer distributed implementations of List, Set or both, so not sure, if duplicating parts of the Java Collections API makes NoSQL more attractive. Collection also is Iterable, so where is the need to introduce a custom implementation or extension to that?

otaviojava commented 5 years ago


We are not duplicating Collection; indeed, we're using Iterable instead.


That is because several NoSQL database uses the Cursor pattern, that means, it retrieves the information lazily instead of putting everything in the memory. The idea of using Iterable instead of Collection is to keep to use this behavior in the API. Furthermore, Collection has a method to either add or remove an element, but, once the result is read-only, the Iterable is suitable. I believe that why several NoSQL drives use it.

Vendors such as:

keilw commented 5 years ago

However, I would strongly argue against the toStream() method, even if for some reason we stick to Iterable only. The behavior should be similar to Collection. See the JavaDoc saying "Returns a sequential {@code Stream} with this collection as its source." This is pretty much the same as the toStream method, so why not call it stream() instead?

Whether or not we need a parallel stream we can see.

otaviojava commented 5 years ago

Ok, that makes sense.

otaviojava commented 5 years ago

@keilw Done,

     * Returns a sequential {@link Stream} with this result as its source.
     * @return a {@link Stream} from the result
    Stream<T> stream();
otaviojava commented 5 years ago

@rkrashr @jesse-gallagher @keilw

I found an issue with this path. Iterable allows me to run the iterator multiple time and that does not happen in several vendors because it uses a cursor.

My question: What do you think: instead of using this Result interface we use Stream directly?

We can create a utilitarians class to help the driver from an Iterable create a Stream that is not a big deal.


Stream<DocumentEntity> query(String query);
jesse-gallagher commented 5 years ago

That's a good argument for implementing Stream as the default lowest level. And, like you say, the important thing is that these are all largely interchangeable if desired. So List-based implementations now are good with Iterable and Stream, and then either of those two could convert to the other pretty easily. It'd just be up to the driver's choice to pick the one that is most efficient for it.

otaviojava commented 5 years ago

From an Iterable I can create a Stream easily:

Stream<?> stream =, false);

To drivers case:

Iterable<NativeEntity> nativeEntity = nativeEntityResult;
Stream<DocumentEntity> stream =, false)

And it will execute when there is the terminal method, so lazy.

About keep both options, that looks a challenge. What do you have in mind?

jesse-gallagher commented 5 years ago

That's exactly what I mean - in the cases where a driver is best off using Iterable internally, it's easy to convert it to a naive Stream. Then the ones (like mine) that would fit Stream better, that gives the most capability and flexibility.

keilw commented 5 years ago

I know, the team is a bit smaller so far (as many Jakarta EE specs btw which are sometimes only worked on by 2-4 people ;-) so wonder, if we could run this by a few people from the old JPA EG ( like @lukasj (Jakarta Persistence Lead), @emmanuelbernard (also Hibernate), @alexsnaps (he forked Hibernate OGM and he was also at JCrete, although I don't know if he joined the Jakarta EE sessions) or @odrotbohm who has already made suggestions here earlier?

otaviojava commented 5 years ago

@jesse-gallagher @jesse-gallagher @rkrashr


Could you review this please? I think that is a good first step

odrotbohm commented 5 years ago

I agree that forcing the API into List might be a bit invasive, especially when it comes to large datasets as that means that you'll have to read all data into objects first before you hand them all out as result. This might result in long execution times and higher memory usage. In fact, the latter can't even be countered with asynchronous executions via a CompletableFuture as that still has to prepare the entire list. If the work on a particular thread takes a bit of time, chances are high that you're exhausting the thread pool pretty quickly and are back to blocking behavior.

Ultimately, we think reactive APIs are the right approach as that is able to really stream data out of the store, enable continuous queries and at the same time keep the memory profile low, even if you process GBs of data. That said, I totally understand that this is probably out of scope for at least right now. Also, this changes the programming model completely and users might not be eager to get into that in the first place.

So for Spring Data staying with Iterable in the core interfaces had a couple of upsides and downsides:



This is quite a constraint to how users can actually make use of Stream and it's also tricky to properly prevent misuse. If user code hands out the Stream out of such a code block, it will happily process a few results depending on how long the closing of the actual database connection will take. This leads to very subtle bugs which look totally weird from the outside. Even worse, with a connection pool in place you might still run a query on a connection that's already returned to the pool and see weird errors from a different thread that by accident got this particular connection handed out from the pool.

In Spring Data, we at least check that the invocation of an Stream method has to happen within a transactional method. Be sure to understand that @Transaction does not necessarily mean database transaction here but rather unit of work that just controls resource lifecycle (EntityManager, database connection etc.).

keilw commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the detailed input. Especially the last part also has some relation to ideas we discussed here or in different places (e.g. MicroProfile mailing list or the JCrete Unconference) how this spec and a possible subset of JPA could interact with each other or build upon each other in Jakarta EE from 9 on.

otaviojava commented 5 years ago

Thank you @odrotbohm For the feedback, I really appreciate your time to write it. Yes, that is a tough decision. If we go to the stream way we need to make it clean through documentations.

jesse-gallagher commented 5 years ago

I'll admit that I've only used Stream fairly straightforwardly to date, but would it suffice to decide that terminal operations are expected to have the side effect of closing the backing resources?

The iterator() method would be a weird one there, since it's officially terminal, but a user would reasonably expect it to still be lazy-loading from a DB perspective. Even then, that method is explicitly called out in the Javadocs as being weird: "Only the terminal operations iterator() and spliterator() are not; these are provided as an "escape hatch" to enable arbitrary client-controlled pipeline traversals in the event that the existing operations are not sufficient to the task."

rkrashr commented 5 years ago

@odrotbohm, very well put I would not call handling open resources a con though. It just sets the requirements for handling associated resources and makes sure they are properly closed and disposed when stream is drained. And this includes an associated cursor, but not associated db connection And roughly, the user-side code goes like this:

try (connectionManager = openConnection()) {
    Stream<?> dataset =

but not like this:

Stream<?> dataset;
try (connectionManager = openConnection()) {
    dataset =;
otaviojava commented 5 years ago


You can use the same concept that you're doing with Iterable. So, when there is not the next element, you can close it. So, we will face the same issues with both Stream and Iterable.