eclipse / jnosql

Eclipse JNoSQL is a framework which has the goal to help Java developers to create Jakarta EE applications with NoSQL.
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= Eclipse JNoSQL :toc: auto

== Introduction

Eclipse JNoSQL is a compatible implementation of the[Jakarta NoSQL] and[Jakarta Data] specifications, a Java framework that streamlines the integration of Java applications with NoSQL databases.

== Goals

== One Mapping API to Multiples NoSQL Databases

Eclipse JNoSQL provides one API for each NoSQL database type. However, it incorporates the same annotations from the[Jakarta Persistence] specification and heritage Java Persistence API (JPA) to map Java objects. Therefore, with just these annotations that look like JPA, there is support for more than twenty NoSQL databases.


@Entity public class Car {

private Long id;
private String name;
private CarType type;

//... }

Theses annotations from the Mapping API will look familiar to the Jakarta Persistence/JPA developer:

[cols="Annotation description"] |=== |Annotation|Description

|@jakarta.nosql.Entity |Specifies that the class is an entity. This annotation is applied to the entity class.

|@jakarta.nosql.Id |Specifies the primary key of an entity.

|@jakarta.nosql.Column |Specify the mapped column for a persistent property or field.

|@jakarta.nosql.Embeddable |Specifies a class whose instances are stored as an intrinsic part of an owning entity and share the entity's identity.

|@jakarta.nosql.Convert |Specifies the conversion of a Basic field or property.

|@org.eclipse.jnosql.mapping.MappedSuperclass |Designates a class whose mapping information is applied to the entities that inherit from it. A mapped superclass has no separate table defined for it.

|@jakarta.nosql.Inheritance |Specifies the inheritance strategy to be used for an entity class hierarchy.

|@jakarta.nosql.DiscriminatorColumn |Specifies the discriminator column for the mapping strategy.

|@jakarta.nosql.DiscriminatorValue |Specifies the value of the discriminator column for entities of the given type.


IMPORTANT: Although similar to JPA, Jakarta NoSQL defines persistable fields with either the @Id or @Column annotation.

After mapping an entity, you can explore the advantage of using a Template interface, which can increase productivity on NoSQL operations.


@Inject Template template; ...

Car ferrari = .name("Ferrari") .type(CarType.SPORT);

template.insert(ferrari); Optional car = template.find(Car.class, 1L); template.delete(Car.class, 1L);

List cars ="name").eq("Ferrari").result(); template.delete(Car.class).execute();

This template has specialization to take advantage of a particular NoSQL database type.

A Repository interface is also provided for exploring the Domain-Driven Design (DDD) pattern for a higher abstraction.


public interface CarRepository extends PageableRepository<Car, String> {

Optional<Car> findByName(String name);


@Inject CarRepository repository; ...

Car ferrari = .name("Ferrari") .type(CarType.SPORT);; Optional idResult = repository.findById(1L); Optional nameResult = repository.findByName("Ferrari");

== Getting Started

Eclipse JNoSQL requires these minimum requirements:

=== NoSQL Database Types

Eclipse JNoSQL provides common annotations and interfaces. Thus, the same annotations and interfaces, Template and Repository, will work on the four NoSQL database types.

As a reference implementation for Jakarta NoSQL, Eclipse JNosql provides particular behavior to the database type required by the specification, including the Graph database type, it means, Eclipse JNoSQL covers the four NoSQL database types:

=== Key-Value

Jakarta NoSQL provides a Key-Value template to explore the specific behavior of this NoSQL type.

Eclipse JNoSQL offers a mapping implementation for Key-Value NoSQL types:


org.eclipse.jnosql.mapping jnosql-mapping-key-value 1.1.3

Furthermore, check for a Key-Value databases. You can find some implementations in the[JNoSQL Databases].


@Inject KeyValueTemplate template; ...

Car ferrari ="ferrari").city("Rome").type(CarType.SPORT);

template.put(ferrari); Optional car = template.get(1L, Car.class); template.delete(1L);

Key-Value is database agnostic. Thus, you can change the database in your application with no or minimal impact on source code.

You can define the database settings using the[MicroProfile Config] specification, so you can add properties and overwrite it in the environment following the[Twelve-Factor App].


jnosql.keyvalue.database= jnosql.keyvalue.provider= jnosql.provider.user= jnosql.provider.password=

TIP: The jnosql.keyvalue.provider property is necessary when you have more than one driver in the classpath. Otherwise, it will take the first one.

These configuration settings are the default behavior. Nevertheless, there is an option to programmatically configure these settings. Create a class that implements the Supplier<BucketManager> interface and then define it using the @Alternative and @Priority annotations.


@Alternative @Priority(Interceptor.Priority.APPLICATION) @ApplicationScoped public class ManagerSupplier implements Supplier {

public BucketManager get() {
    Settings settings = Settings.builder()
            .put("credential", "value")
    KeyValueConfiguration configuration = new NoSQLKeyValueProvider();
    BucketManagerFactory factory = configuration.apply(settings);
    return factory.apply("database");


You can work with several Key-Value database instances through the CDI qualifier. To identify each database instance, make a BucketManager visible for CDI by adding the @Produces and the @Database annotations in the method.


@Inject @Database(value = DatabaseType.KEY_VALUE, provider = "databaseA") private KeyValueTemplate templateA;

@Inject @Database(value = DatabaseType.KEY_VALUE, provider = "databaseB") private KeyValueTemplate templateB;

// producers methods @Produces @Database(value = DatabaseType.KEY_VALUE, provider = "databaseA") public BucketManager getManagerA() { BucketManager manager = // instance; return manager; }

@Produces @Database(value = DatabaseType.KEY_VALUE, provider = "databaseB") public BucketManager getManagerB() { BucketManager manager = // instance; return manager; }

The KeyValue Database module provides a simple way to integrate the KeyValueDatabase annotation with CDI, allowing you to inject collections managed by the key-value database. This annotation works seamlessly with various collections, such as List, Set, Queue, and Map.

To inject collections managed by the key-value database, use the @KeyValueDatabase annotation in combination with CDI's @Inject annotation. Here's how you can use it:


import javax.inject.Inject;

// Inject a List instance from the "names" bucket in the key-value database. @Inject @KeyValueDatabase("names") private List names;

// Inject a Set instance from the "fruits" bucket in the key-value database. @Inject @KeyValueDatabase("fruits") private Set fruits;

// Inject a Queue instance from the "orders" bucket in the key-value database. @Inject @KeyValueDatabase("orders") private Queue orders;

// Inject a Map<String, String> instance from the "orders" bucket in the key-value database. @Inject @KeyValueDatabase("orders") private Map<String, String> map;

=== Column Family

Jakarta NoSQL provides a Column Family template to explore the specific behavior of this NoSQL type.

Eclipse JNoSQL offers a mapping implementation for Column NoSQL types: [source,xml]

org.eclipse.jnosql.mapping jnosql-mapping-column 1.1.3

Furthermore, check for a Column Family databases. You can find some implementations in the[JNoSQL Databases].


@Inject ColumnTemplate template; ...

Car ferrari = .name("ferrari").city("Rome") .type(CarType.SPORT);

template.insert(ferrari); Optional car = template.find(Car.class, 1L);


Optional result = template.singleResult("FROM Car WHERE _id = 1");

Column Family is database agnostic. Thus, you can change the database in your application with no or minimal impact on source code.

You can define the database settings using the[MicroProfile Config] specification, so you can add properties and overwrite it in the environment following the[Twelve-Factor App].


jnosql.column.database= jnosql.column.provider= jnosql.provider.user= jnosql.provider.password=

TIP: The jnosql.column.provider property is necessary when you have more than one driver in the classpath. Otherwise, it will take the first one.

These configuration settings are the default behavior. Nevertheless, there is an option to programmatically configure these settings. Create a class that implements the Supplier<ColumnManager> interface, then define it using the @Alternative and @Priority annotations.


@Alternative @Priority(Interceptor.Priority.APPLICrATION) @ApplicationScoped public class ManagerSupplier implements Supplier {

public DatabaseManager get() {
    Settings settings = Settings.builder()
            .put("credential", "value")
    DatabaseConfiguration configuration = new NoSQLColumnProvider();
    DatabaseManagerFactory factory = configuration.apply(settings);
    return factory.apply("database");


You can work with several column database instances through CDI qualifier. To identify each database instance, make a ColumnManager visible for CDI by putting the @Produces and the @Database annotations in the method.


@Inject @Database(value = DatabaseType.COLUMN, provider = "databaseA") private ColumnTemplate templateA;

@Inject @Database(value = DatabaseType.COLUMN, provider = "databaseB") private ColumnTemplate templateB;

// producers methods @Produces @Database(value = DatabaseType.COLUMN, provider = "databaseA") public ColumnManager getManagerA() { return manager; }

@Produces @Database(value = DatabaseType.COLUMN, provider = "databaseB") public ColumnManager getManagerB() { return manager; }

=== Document

Jakarta NoSQL provides a Document template to explore the specific behavior of this NoSQL type.

Eclipse JNoSQL offers a mapping implementation for Document NoSQL types:


org.eclipse.jnosql.mapping jnosql-mapping-document 1.1.3

Furthermore, check for a Document databases. You can find some implementations in the[JNoSQL Databases].


@Inject DocumentTemplate template; ...

Car ferrari = .name("ferrari") .city("Rome") .type(CarType.SPORT);

template.insert(ferrari); Optional car = template.find(Car.class, 1L);


Optional result = template.singleResult("FROM Car WHERE _id = 1");

Document is database agnostic. Thus, you can change the database in your application with no or minimal impact on source code.

You can define the database settings using the[MicroProfile Config] specification, so you can add properties and overwrite it in the environment following the[Twelve-Factor App].


jnosql.document.database= jnosql.document.provider= jnosql.provider.user= jnosql.provider.password=

TIP: The jnosql.document.provider property is necessary when you have more than one driver in the classpath. Otherwise, it will take the first one.

These configuration settings are the default behavior. Nevertheless, there is an option to programmatically configure these settings. Create a class that implements the Supplier<DocumentManager>, then define it using the @Alternative and @Priority annotations.


@Alternative @Priority(Interceptor.Priority.APPLICATION) @ApplicationScoped public class ManagerSupplier implements Supplier {

public DatabaseManager get() {
    Settings settings = Settings.builder()
            .put("credential", "value")
    DatabaseConfiguration configuration = new NoSQLDocumentProvider();
    DatabaseManagerFactory factory = configuration.apply(settings);
    return factory.apply("database");


You can work with several document database instances through CDI qualifier. To identify each database instance, make a DocumentManager visible for CDI by putting the @Produces and the @Database annotations in the method.


@Inject @Database(value = DatabaseType.DOCUMENT, provider = "databaseA") private DocumentTemplate templateA;

@Inject @Database(value = DatabaseType.DOCUMENT, provider = "databaseB") private DocumentTemplate templateB;

// producers methods @Produces @Database(value = DatabaseType.DOCUMENT, provider = "databaseA") public DocumentManager getManagerA() { return manager; }

@Produces @Database(value = DatabaseType.DOCUMENT, provider = "databaseB") public DocumentManager getManagerB() { return manager; }

=== Jakarta Data

Eclipse JNoSQL as a Jakarta Data implementations supports the following list of predicate keywords on their repositories.

|=== |Keyword |Description | Method signature Sample

|And |The and operator. |findByNameAndYear

|Or |The or operator. |findByNameOrYear

|Between |Find results where the property is between the given values |findByDateBetween

|LessThan |Find results where the property is less than the given value |findByAgeLessThan

|GreaterThan |Find results where the property is greater than the given value |findByAgeGreaterThan

|LessThanEqual |Find results where the property is less than or equal to the given value |findByAgeLessThanEqual

|GreaterThanEqual |Find results where the property is greater than or equal to the given value |findByAgeGreaterThanEqual

|Like |Finds string values "like" the given expression |findByTitleLike

|In |Find results where the property is one of the values that are contained within the given list |findByIdIn

|True |Finds results where the property has a boolean value of true. |findBySalariedTrue

|False |Finds results where the property has a boolean value of false. |findByCompletedFalse

|Not |The logical NOT negates all the previous keywords, but True or False. It needs to include as a prefix "Not" to a keyword. |findByNameNot, findByAgeNotGreaterThan

|OrderBy |Specify a static sorting order followed by the property path and direction of ascending. |findByNameOrderByAge

|OrderBy____Desc |Specify a static sorting order followed by the property path and direction of descending. |findByNameOrderByAgeDesc

|OrderBy____Asc |Specify a static sorting order followed by the property path and direction of ascending. |findByNameOrderByAgeAsc

|OrderBy____(Asc|Desc)*(Asc|Desc) |Specify several static sorting orders |findByNameOrderByAgeAscNameDescYearAsc


WARNING: Eclipse JNoSQL does not support OrderBy annotation.

=== More Information

Check the[reference documentation] and[JavaDocs] to learn more.

== Code of Conduct

This project is governed by the Eclipse Foundation Code of Conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code of conduct. Please report unacceptable behavior to[].

== Getting Help

Having trouble with Eclipse JNoSQL? We’d love to help!

Please report any bugs, concerns or questions with Eclipse JNoSQL to[].

If your issue refers to the[JNoSQL databases project] or the[JNoSQL extensions project], please, open the issue in this repository following the instructions in the templates.

== Building from Source

You don’t need to build from source to use the project, but should you be interested in doing so, you can build it using Maven and Java 11 or higher.

[source, Bash]

mvn clean install

== Contributing

We are very happy you are interested in helping us and there are plenty ways you can do so.

Here are the badges of this project: [%autowidth,cols="a,a,a,a", frame=none, grid=none, role=stretch ] |=== | image::[ link=, window=_blank, target=_blank] | image::[window=_blank, link=] | image::[window=_blank, link=] | image::[window=_blank, link=] | image::[window=_blank, link=] | image::[window=_blank, link=] | image::[window=_blank, link=] | image::[window=_blank, link=] | image::[window=_blank, link=] | image::[window=_blank, link=] | image::[window=_blank, link=] |===

== Testing Guideline

This project's testing guideline will help you understand Jakarta Data's testing practices. Please take a look link:TESTING-GUIDELINE.adoc[at the file].

== Migration

This migration guide explains how to upgrade from Eclipse JNoSQL version 1.0.0-b6 to the latest version, considering two significant changes: upgrading to Jakarta EE 9 and reducing the scope of the Jakarta NoSQL specification to only run on the Mapping. The guide provides instructions on updating package names and annotations to migrate your Eclipse JNoSQL project successfully.

link:MIGRATION.adoc[Migration Guide]

== To know more

If you want to know more about both the communication and mapping layer, there are two complementary files for it each specific topic: