eclipse / microprofile-conference Demo Code - Web Services Conference Application
Apache License 2.0
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= Microprofile Showcase Application

== General information

The application consists of several Microservices and a Web-Application managing a conference :

[options="header"] |===== | Microservice Name | Powered By | Description | Technologies | link:/microservice-schedule/README.adoc[microservice-schedule] |[Payara Micro] | Schedule of the conference | JAX-RS, CDI | link:/microservice-session/README.adoc[microservice-session] |[WildFly Swarm] | Sessions of the conference | JAX-RS, CDI, JSON-P | link:/microservice-speaker/readme.adoc[microservice-speaker] |[Apache TomEE] | Speakers of the conference | JAX-RS, CDI, JSON | link:/microservice-vote/README.adoc[microservice-vote] |[WebSphere Liberty] | Votes for each session | JAX-RS, CDI, JSON-P, MP Config, MP Fault Tolerance, MP Metrics, MP Health | link:/web-application/readme.adoc[web-application] |[Apache TomEE] | Frontend UI | Angular2, Bootstrap4 |=====

The WebApp is a direct subscriber to the individual Microservices. This means that there is no aggregator / middle-man application. The WebApp itself provides a known relative EndPoint microservice that enables the lookup of URLs to the other services.

== Quickstart - Run all services and UI in separate runtimes

This will run each service in the runtime container that its setup for and the UI in a Node.js server to interact with them.

Build, package and run all microservices and the UI:

mvn clean package -P start,ui

Run just the microservices:

mvn package -Pstart -pl :microservice-start

Run just the UI:

mvn package -Pui -pl :microservice-start

=== Running on Liberty

To run all the services on individual WebSphere Liberty servers add the 'liberty' profile to the command:

mvn clean package -P start,ui,liberty

mvn package -P start,liberty -pl :microservice-start

== Development Build

mvn clean install -DskipTests

== Development Tests

mvn clean test

== Run Individual Services

Each service can run on any container (this is the Microprofile guarantee), but the service projects have been written by vendors to use their container. See the README.adoc of each microservice for details on how to run each microservice individually.

== Getting involved If you would like to participate in the community effort to advance EE then by all means feel free to join us on the following sites:

== Common problems/bugs

=== NPM issues

The web-application project uses the com.github.eirslett:frontend-maven-plugin to download and install all node and npm requirements. Sometimes this may fail if console permissions are not permissive enough.

In such cases you will have to manually install some reqiurements:

<1> Download and install node: <2> Install npm manually: ---- cd web-application/src/main/static npm install npm npm install typings --global typings install --global ---- == Access to canonical source code * == Notes This application is a collaborative demonstration application by: * WebSphere Liberty * London Java Community * SouJava * Red Hat * Tomitribe * Payara