ecolab-nus / morpher

An Open-Source Tool for CGRA Accelerators
MIT License
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Morpher: An Open-Source Tool for CGRA Accelerators

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_Morpher_LIGHT: We provide morpherlight now! It can compile and map in seconds! Click here to use the light version of morpher.

Morpher is a powerful, integrated compilation and simulation framework, that can assist design space exploration and application-level developments of CGRA based systems. Morpher can take an application with a compute intensive kernel as input, compile the kernel onto a user-provided CGRA architecture, and automatically validate the compiled kernels through cycle-accurate simulation using test data extracted from the application. Morpher can handle real-world application kernels without being limited to simple toy kernels through its feature-rich compiler. Morpher architecture description language lets users easily specify architectural features such as complex interconnects, multi-hop routing, and memory organizations.


More information: WOSET 2022 Presentation (Artifact demonstration from 13.25), WOSET 2022 paper

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Getting Started:

You can build morpher on your Linux machine, or user docker on MAC/Linux.

Note: Morpher requires LLVM 10.0.0 and g++ version cannot be higher than g++-v7.

build with docker

for tutorial

  • Download the docker file into an empty folder.
  • Go to the folder and Build morpher image: $ docker build ./ -t morpher. This takes around 15 minutes.
  • Initalize: $ docker run --name morpher_tutorial -it morpher
  • Run cd /home/user/morpher and build all the submodules bash This takes a few minutes.
  • You should be able to run this command python -u morpher_benchmarks/array_add/array_add.c array_add and see "Simulation test passed!!!". This takes a few minutes.

To start the container again

build on your machine

Read follow

git clone
cd llvm-project
git checkout llvmorg-10.0.0
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS='polly;clang' -G "Unix Makefiles" ../llvm
make -j4
sudo make install

Compiling kernels:

1) Specify the target arch, dfg_type, mapping method, memory bank sizes,.. in config/<>.yaml file. (default_config file targets hycube 4x4 architecture) 2) Run the script: $python <path to c source code in benchmark folder> <target function> <configurations(default: config/default_config.yaml)>.


  1. Compile and verify simple kernels on hycube 4x4:

$python -u morpher_benchmarks/array_add/array_add.c array_add

Please refer the following workflow for more examples.

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  1. Compile and verify kernels from Microspeech Application:

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Using the Light Version of Morpher

To use the light version of morpher, make sure dfg_type: 'PartPredLight' and morpher_light: 'yes' are set in the config/<>.yaml file. The following shows the template settings of the config file:

    json_arch: "hycube_original_mem.json"
    json_arch_before_memupdate: 'hycube_original_updatemem.json'
    mapper_subfolder: 'hycube'
    dfg_type: 'PartPredLight'
    init_II: 0
    ydim: 4
    xdim: 4
    numberofbanks: 2
    banksize: 2048
    max_test_samples: 5
    mapping_method: 0
    llvm_debug_type: 'no'
    morpher_light: 'yes'

If you set morpher_light as "yes", we will force the DFG type to be PartPredLight

Examples (running array_add on hycube 4x4 using the light mode):

$python -u morpher_benchmarks/array_add/array_add.c array_add ./config/default_light_config.yaml


[WOSET] Morpher: An Open-Source Integrated Compilation and Simulation Framework for CGRA\ (to appear in Workshop on Open-Source EDA Technology co-sponsored by ICCAD 2022)

        title   = "{Morpher: An Open-Source Integrated Compilation and Simulation Framework for CGRA}",
        author  = {Dhananjaya Wijerathne, Zhaoying Li, Manupa Karunaratne, Li-Shiuan Peh, Tulika Mitra},
        journal = {Fifth Workshop on Open-Source EDA Technology (WOSET)},
        month   = {November},
        year    = {2022},

[DAC] PANORAMA: Divide-and-Conquer Approach for Mapping Complex Loop Kernels on CGRA\ Dhananjaya Wijerathne, Zhaoying Li, Thilini Kaushalya Bandara, Tulika Mitra\ 59th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference, 2022 Publicity Paper\ Artifact Link

[HPCA] LISA: Graph Neural Network based Portable Mapping on Spatial Accelerators\ Zhaoying Li, Dan Wu, Dhananjaya Wijerathne, Tulika Mitra\ 28th IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture, 2022\ Artifact Link Distinguished Artifact Award

[ASPLOS] REVAMP: A Systematic Framework for Heterogeneous CGRA Realization\ Thilini Kaushalya Bandara, Dhananjaya Wijerathne, Tulika Mitra, Li-Shiuan Peh\ 27th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, 2022\ Artifact Link

[TCAD] HiMap: Fast and Scalable High-Quality Mapping on CGRA via Hierarchical Abstraction\ Dhananjaya Wijerathne, Zhaoying Li, Anuj Pathania, Tulika Mitra, Lothar Thiele\ IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 41(10) 2022

[TCAD] ChordMap: Automated Mapping of Streaming Applications onto CGRA\ Zhaoying Li, Dhananjaya Wijerathne, Xianzhang Chen, Anuj Pathania, Tulika Mitra\ IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 41(2) 2022

[Book Chapter] Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Array (CGRA)\ Zhaoying Li, Dhananjaya Wijerathne, Tulika Mitra\ Book chapter in “Handbook of Computer Architecture”, Springer (Invited)

[DATE] HiMap: Fast and Scalable High-Quality Mapping on CGRA via Hierarchical Abstraction\ Dhananjaya Wijerathne, Zhaoying Li, Anuj Pathania, Tulika Mitra, Lothar Thiele\ Design Automation and Test in Europe 2021

[TECS] CASCADE: High Throughput Data Streaming via Decoupled Access/Execute CGRA\ Dhananjaya Wijerathne, Zhaoying Li, Manupa Karunaratne, Anuj Pathania, Tulika Mitra\ ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems\ Special Issue on ACM/IEEE International Conference on Compilers, Architecture, and Synthesis for Embedded Systems 2019

[ICCAD] 4D-CGRA : Introducing the branch dimension to spatio-temporal application mapping of CGRAs\ Manupa Karunaratne, Dhananjaya Wijerathne, Tulika Mitra, Li-Shiuan Peh\ 38th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Computer Aided Design, November 2019

[A-SSCC] HyCUBE: a 0.9V 26.4 MOPS/mW, 290 pJ/cycle, Power Efficient Accelerator for IoT Applications\ Bo Wang, Manupa Karunarathne, Aditi Kulkarni, Tulika Mitra, Li-Shiuan Peh\ IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference, November 2019

[DAC] DNestMap : Mapping Deeply-Nested Loops on Ultra-Low Power CGRAs\ Manupa Karunaratne, Cheng Tan, Aditi Kulkarni, Tulika Mitra, Li-Shiuan Peh\ 55th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference, June 2018

[DAC] HyCUBE : A CGRA with Reconfigurable Single-cycle Multi-hop Interconnect\ Manupa Karunaratne, Aditi Kulkarni, Tulika Mitra, Li-Shiuan Peh\ 54th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference, June 2017

[ACM-TRETS] Graph Minor Approach for Application Mapping on CGRAs\ Liang Chen, Tulika Mitra\ ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems 2014

[FPT] Graph Minor Approach for Application Mapping on CGRAs Much expanded journal version\ Liang Chen, Tulika Mitra\ International Conference on Field Programmable Technology, December 2012\ Best Paper Award