ecomplus / storefront

Modern and high performant headless eCommerce Storefront. PWA & JAMstack architecture ready for E-Com Plus APIs. Built with Vue.js, extensible through widgets and editable with Netlify CMS.
MIT License
101 stars 36 forks source link
bootstrap4 e-commerce ecomplus ejs-templates headless-ecommerce jamstack-storefront micro-frontend monorepo netlify-cms pwa-ecommerce storefront ui-components vue webpack-boilerplate


Netlify Status Publish Build docs CodeFactor License MIT Lerna

:rocket: Modern and high performant headless eCommerce Storefront:

:page_with_curl: Explore the docs · :shopping: Demo store · Report bug · Request feature · Forum :brazil:

Quick start for merchants

:zap: Take a look at the Storefront Starter if you just want to deploy your E-Com Plus store, or go to customization docs if you're searching for theming guides.


Open in Gitpod

Fork/clone this monorepo and install dependencies normally:

git clone
cd storefront
npm i

Then you can edit source files at @ecomplus/* folders and test template locally with npm run serve.

As any project maintained with Lerna, you should run commands from root directory.


Official packages composing Storefront are listed here with respective description and latest version.

They're published for both npm and GPR.


Please read the contribution guidelines.

Check some example useful commands #### Compile template for production ```bash npm run build ``` #### Compile all packages ```bash npx lerna exec -- build ``` #### Serve template locally ```bash npm run serve ``` #### Serve some specific package tests ```bash lerna run --scope=@ecomplus/{pkg} serve --stream ``` #### Lint changed files ```bash npx lerna exec -- lint-staged ``` #### Release and publish all changed packages ```bash npm run release ```

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