econ909 / SuperFinalProject

The 3rd time trying this shit
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Got the Bet Class nested into a new Player Class.

Stages 2 and 3 are complete. Finished verison.

This program makes a gmae of blackjackwith 2 players. Can bet money, win money, lose money. You can get a hit (another card) or stay. You win if you get 21 or stay with a higher score than the other player. You lose if you go over 21 or syat with a lower score than the other player. If both scores are the same the bet ammounts are set back to $0 and players play again with tie breaker round. After winner/loser you are asked if you want to play again.

Made one deck of cards for both players and not have the players get the same cards.

-the deal() has a boolean called inPlay to show if card is in play.

Made Aces worth 1 or 11 so if dealed two Aces you don't bust.

-if playerHand is higher than 11 aces are assigned a value of 1. Used a foundAce variable

Made players win money with 21 or higher score and added money to their pot.

-Nested Bet Class in Player Class and put winBet()

Made players lose money with score over 21 or lower score and subtracted money to their pot.

-Nested Bet Class in Player Class and put winBet()

Made tie breaker round if both players have same score.

-if statement in main() comparing gameOverValue to initiate tie breaker