ecoquants / nrel-uses

Competing ocean uses work with National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL)
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Competing ocean uses work with National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL):

Here are other related Github repositories (in order from oldest to newest):

Interactive App

The Shiny application (code in app folder) provides an interactive web interface to data layers, particularly for implementing alternative weights and sliders to ocean use layers for identifying areas of conflict.

Running the App Online

You can find this app online here:

Running the App Locally with R

You can also directly run the app from a local desktop instance of the [R]() statistical programming language as long as you already have the libraries installed that are listed at the top of the global.R file (e.g. install.packages("shiny")).

shiny::runGitHub('ecoquants/nrel-uses', subdir='app')