Put it somewhere, make it executable, tell =gpg= to use it as the pinentry program.
One way to do this is adding the line : pinentry-program /path/to/where/you/put/pinentry-emacs to the file =~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf=.
Make sure you restart gpg-agent and GPG_AGENT_INFO is set correctly inside Emacs!
If your Emacs hangs, you might have to =C-g=, then you'll get asked, then you may have to restart the action. Your passphrase will be cached for some time.
** Emacs Add this to =.emacs.d/init.el= or similar:
: (defun pinentry-emacs (desc prompt ok error) : (let ((str (read-passwd (concat (replace-regexp-in-string "%22" "\"" (replace-regexp-in-string "%0A" "\n" desc)) prompt ": ")))) : str))
Sometimes your .emacs
file has errors, or the emacs pinentry
thing simply
doesn't work. In that case, this script falls back to using lukspinentry
get the password (which falls back onto gui/tty pinentry).
This is probably totally insecure, and your passphrase may be leaked! Use at your own risk!