ecwood / GCAM-CDR-modeling

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GCAM for CDR Policy Deployment Documentation

Setup Instructions

Instance Requirements:

  1. Turn on instance and ssh into instance.

  2. git clone

  3. cd GCAM-CDR-modeling

  4. screen -S setup_gcam

  5. ./ > ~/setup_gcam.log 2>&1

  6. Ctrl-A, Ctrl-D

GCAM Basics

Important GCAM Repositories:

Running GCAM Scenarios

Assorted Notes

Implementing H.R. 7434

Things I've tried:

  1. 6969631 (fixed the DAC output value to exactly H.R. 7434 levels; worked, but not robust enough for what I need)
  2. daf4ace (didn't do anything)
  3. 57ad277 (didn't do anything)
  4. Put in carbon_tax_20_5.xml in the policy spot (didn't do anything)
  5. Adding these lines to the configuration file and reverting

    -                 <Value name="policy-target-file">../input/policy/carbon_tax_20_5.xml</Value>
    +                <Value name="policy-target-file">../input/policy/forcing_target_4p5.xml</Value>
                <Value name = "indenergy_emiss_USA">../input/gcamdata/xml/indenergy_emissions_USA.xml</Value>
                <Value name = "elc_emiss_USA">../input/gcamdata/xml/elc_emissions_USA.xml</Value>
                <Value name = "transport_emiss_USA">../input/gcamdata/xml/transport_emissions_USA.xml</Value>
                <Value name = "prc_usa">../input/gcamdata/xml/ind_urb_processing_sectors_USA.xml</Value>
                <Value name = "process_emiss_USA">../input/gcamdata/xml/ind_urb_proc_emissions_USA.xml</Value>
                <Value name = "refining_emiss_USA">../input/gcamdata/xml/refinery_emissions_USA.xml</Value>
                <Value name = "solver">../input/solution/cal_broyden_config.xml</Value>
                <Value name = "dac">../input/gcamdata/xml/dac_ssp2.xml</Value>
                <Value name = "dac_usa">../input/gcamdata/xml/dac_USA_ssp2.xml</Value>

Period 20: 2095 Model solved normally. Iterations period 20: 283. Total iterations: 15431

Period 21: 2100 Model solved normally. Iterations period 21: 158. Total iterations: 15589

All model periods solved correctly. Model run completed. Policy Target Runner: scenario dispatch #3

Starting a model run. Running period 21 Model run beginning. Period 6: 2025 Model solved normally. Iterations period 6: 558. Total iterations: 16146