ed770878 / HohhaDynamicXOR

Hohha Dynamic XOR Encryption Algorithm
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HohhaDynamicXOR Cryptographic Analysis

This is the refactored implementation of Hohha Dynamic XOR algorithm. An interactive javascript demonstration of the encryption algorithm is also available here.

It is claimed to be secure, but this claim is no more than a typical real world example of Schneier's Law. Cryptanalysis has revealed the algorithm to be vulnerable to a number of attacks, including complete key recovery under a known plain text attack!

The reference implementation of the algorithm is maintained in this repository under the branch named reference, where it has been extended with a test harness and a set of unit tests. The master branch contains a refactored implementation of the algorithm, validated against the same set of unit tests. The master branch also contains a number of attacks against the algorithm. The simple attacks are explained in the attacks readme. The known plain text key recovery attack is explained below.

Key Recovery (KPA)

In a known plain text attack (KPA), the adversary knows pairs of plain text and cipher text messages, but is not given any additional information about the key. The most obvious challenge under KPA is to recover the key, which would enable the attacker to perform any encryption or decryption operation. Alternative KPA challenges can be to decrypt novel cipher texts without the key, or forge cipher texts without the key. I chose to accept the former challenge, key recovery. Having recovered the key the latter challenges are trivial.

A hohha key is defined by a number of jumps, and a block of initial values for a mutable substitution box (s-box), called the key body. The algorithm is initialized by the key, and eight additional bytes of salt (the initialization vector). An internal value is initialized by the hohha-crc of the key body. An internal index into the s-box, called the moving pointer, is initialized by just two of the bytes of salt. As the algorithm operates, values in the s-box are swapped with internal values, and the internal values are xor'ed, rotated, and transformed in different ways depending on the plain text of the message.

In simple attacks, I showed that it is possible to determine the number of jumps, and the length of the key body. In this attack, I assume that the number of jumps and the length of the key body are known. The challenge will be to guess all of the initial values of the key body before the end of time.

We will do a depth first search of all possible combinations of bytes that could make up the key. If we actually search all those combinations, the problem is intractable. The question is, can we backtrack before making guesses for the whole key body? At first glance it would seem not, because one of the initial values of the algorithm is the hohha-crc of the whole key. But if we guess that initial value independently rather than computing the hohha-crc, if the search finds a solution we can just verify that the hohha-crc matches the guessed value to accept or reject a match. We guess values, and backtrack as soon as the algorithm detects that it is operating differently, in other words, if that the guessed key would produce an incorrect cipher text.

If we can backtrack at all, the next question is can we backtrack early, and how early? The algorithm, without an absurd number of jumps, is unlikely to be influenced by many bytes of the key to produce the next cipher text, and after each number of jumps there is an opportunity to backtrack when we compare the operation to the known plain and cipher texts. What this means is, for a number of jumps J, we have an opportunity to backtrack after guessing at most J bytes of the key (at most, because the same byte of the key could be referenced by more than one jump, or it might have already been guessed). Having the opportunity to backtrack does not necessarily mean the search will immediately realize it should backtrack. It may be that a partially guessed key operates correctly up to some number of bytes before a contradiction is discovered.

If we can backtrack early, the next question is how early. As the depth of backtracking can be minimized, the search time of the algorithm is reduced exponentially. Obviously, it makes little sense to make guesses about a key value that is not about to be used by the algorithm, where an incorrect guess will only result in a contradiction several steps later. Therefore, the search will make guesses for the next byte of the key to be used, as determined by the moving pointer. To increase the likelihood of finding a contradiction, many pairs of known plain and cipher texts can be compared by running instances of the algorithm in parallel. The search will make guesses for the next byte of key to be used by most of the instances. This strategy of choosing which variable to guess next in a constraint satisfaction problem is generally called choosing the most constrained variable.

If we have determined that a combination of values leads to a contradiction, how can we avoid making the same guess again, but guessing the values in a different order? If it takes some number of values to find a contradiction, then it will take that number factorial permutations of guesses to completely rule out that combination, unless the algorithm can avoid repeating the work. So, after choosing the most constrained variable at some step, the order of variables is fixed thereafter, even if another variable may be more constrained in a different branch of recursion. The computational savings of not repeating combinations far outweighs the effect of choosing a new most constrained variable.

Using this constraint solver, I found that I was able to recover a 128-byte key with two jumps in a few minutes, with one thousand known plain texts and corresponding salt and cipher texts. The attack can be demonstrated as follows.

# make sure everything is built

# use the checked-in example, or generate a new one
cd brut
./genbrut.sh ../hohha 2 128 1000

# inspect the example:
# brut-j2-k128-t1000-key.txt - has the secret key body
# brut-j2-k128-t1000-msg.txt - has pairs of known plain and cipher text

cd ..

# we will use only the -msg.txt in the attack
./hohha_brut -j2 -l128 -r -f brut/brut-j2-k128-t1000-msg.txt | tee brut-log.txt

# go brew yourself a nice cup of tea while you wait a few minutes

# I recommend teeing the result to a file, like brut-log.txt as above

# if you are feeling impatient, you can monitor the process with SIGUSR1
while killall -USR1 hohha_brut; do sleep 30; done

# oh hey it's done!  see if brut-log.txt has the secret key body

The solution output contains:

I almost gave up

This was fun to work on for a little while. I almost gave up working on this project, because it is impossible to work with Mr. Kizir, the author of the original implementation. He does not make any attempt to understand how his algorithm is vulnerable. Thankfully, the spiteful comments have been removed from this pull request.

I only continued, because despite having to endure Mr. Kizir's insults, I am still fascinated by cryptography. I am by no means an expert in cryptography. In breaking this algorithm I relied more on my experience from a college class in artificial intelligence than any thing else, where I learned about constraint satisfaction problems. I took one free online course in cryptography, but besides that I have no formal training. I chose to work on the hohha algorithm, because it seemed to be a relatively easy target, just the right difficulty for someone at my level. Having now proven, with little doubt, that the encryption can be broken, I am glad that I did continue to work on it after all.

Build and test the algorithm

cd tests
./runtests.sh ../hohha

Further reading

Announcement on the Linux Kernel Mailing List.

Reaction article on Phoronix.

A conference presentation and paper (Turkish language) (English translation) describing the algorithm.

The reference implementation from which this is forked.