eddiejaoude / stargate

Discord bot using Stargate Serverless (Cassandra DB)
MIT License
68 stars 32 forks source link
cassandra datastax stargate stargate-serverless

:robot: Discord bot using Stargate :robot:

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Stargate is a data gateway deployed between client applications and a database. It's built with extensibility as a first-class citizen and makes it easy to use a database for any application workload by adding plugin support for new APIs, data types, and access methods. YouTube video of Stargate YouTube thumbmnail for Stargate

Technologies Used

GitHub actions

Tag Name Triggers Results
Changelog status Change Log Pushes to main branch Updates release tag
CodeQL status CodeQL Status Pushes & Pull Request Checkout repository, installs dependencies, build files, perform analysis
Docker Publish status Docker Publish Status Published releases build, test, push to registory, deploy
Docs status Docs status Pushes to doc/ repository Checkout source files, build doc files, deploy
Labels status Labels status Pushes to doc/labels.json checkout source files, install deps, import labels
Node CI status Node CI status Pushes & Pull Request Checkout source files, install dependencies, lint source files, verify build, run tests
Stale issues and PRs status Stale issues and PRs status Iterval of every 30 minutes Updates issue / PR messages & labels




  1. Fork the project
  2. Clone project using git clone git@github.com:<YOUR-USERNAME>/stargate.git
  3. Navigate into the project using cd stargate
  4. Run cp .env.example .env
  5. Add the respective env-vars to the .env file
  6. Install dependencies npm install
  7. Run the docker container for stargate (not this repo) with docker-compose up


Full docs deployed to https://eddiejaoude.github.io/stargate/ and available in the repo at docs/README.adoc

Building the docs

Install AsciiDoctor and CodeRay.

npm run docs

Phase 1


A video tutorial on how to use Stargate serverless








DataStax Discord Bot v0.1

Made with :heart: by an awesome open source community!