eden-protocol / protocol-engine

My fork of Nail & Crescent, containing branches with features I work on. Check out PalmliX/NaC for the definite upstream repository of this project.
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Nail & Crescent

Watch our Teaser on Youtube, and see what the fuzz is all about.


Nail & Crescent builds upon the beautiful Quake II RTX technology.

Using Quake II RTX its powerful renderer, with extra additions of our own we set off to improve the engine. There were two important goals that we had in mind, make it more fun and user friendly to work with the engine. Hereby inviting the oppertunity for mod developers to use our technology. But most of all, improvements to the engine in overall, so it has more modern features to match its unique modern render system.

Nail & Crescent has introduced the following changes and features:

Here is a list of plans for the technology behind Nail & Crescent. Note that not all might make it in the end.:


Nail & Crescent its code is licensed under the same terms as Quake II RTX. It's hard not to be.

Nail & Crescent is licensed under the terms of the GPL v.2 (GNU General Public License). You can find the entire license in the license.txt file.

Additional Information

Needs slight updating, but most still applies. We're initially a Q2PRO fork

Also, some source files have comments that explain various parts of the renderer:

Support and Feedback

Operating System

Windows Linux
Min Version Win 7 x64 Ubuntu 16.04

Note: only the Windows 10 version has been extensively tested.


Min Version
NVIDIA driver
Vulkan SDK
If it works


Build Instructions

The following build instructions apply to VS2019, which is the standard being used in the team right now. Although Linux support exists, and will be returning back soonly, as of right now it has been untested for 2 months and may need some extra work. If you are feeling jolly, and want to lend us a hand, please contact us in our discord.


  1. Clone the repository and its submodules from git :

    git clone --recursive https://github.com/NVIDIA/Q2RTX.git

  2. Start VS2019, and use the "Open Folder" method to open the project, as one normally would when using CMake projects.

  3. Ensure you have vcpkg installed, and that it is setup properly. Install the following packages:

    • freetype:x64-windows
    • lua:x64-windows
  4. That should be all. Generate the CMake Cache if VS2019 isn't doing so already, and build the project.

  5. For resource files, please reach out to us on our Discord.

Photo Mode

When a single player game or demo playback is paused, normally with the pause key, the photo mode activates. In this mode, denoisers and some other real-time rendering approximations are disabled, and the image is produced using accumulation rendering instead. This means that the engine renders the same frame hundreds or thousands of times, with different noise patterns, and averages the results. Once the image is stable enough, you can save a screenshot.

In addition to rendering higher quality images, the photo mode has some unique features. One of them is the Depth of Field (DoF) effect, which simulates camera aperture and defocus blur, or bokeh. In contrast with DoF effects used in real-time renderers found in other games, this implementation computes "true" DoF, which works correctly through reflections and refractions, and has no edge artifacts. Unfortunately, it produces a lot of noise instead, so thousands of frames of accumulation are often needed to get a clean picture. To control DoF in the game, use the mouse wheel and Shift/Ctrl modifier keys: wheel alone adjusts the focal distance, Shift+Wheel adjusts the aperture size, and Ctrl makes the adjustments finer.

Another feature of the photo mode is free camera controls. Once the game is paused, you can move the camera and detach it from the character. To move the camera, use the regular W/A/S/D keys, plus Q/E to move up and down. Shift makes movement faster, and Ctrl makes it slower. To change orientation of the camera, move the mouse while holding the left mouse button. To zoom, move the mouse up or down while holding the right mouse button. Finally, to adjust camera roll, move the mouse left or right while holding both mouse buttons.

Settings for all these features can be found in the game menu. To adjust the settings from the console, see the pt_accumulation_rendering, pt_dof, pt_aperture, pt_freecam and some other similar console variables in the Client Manual.

MIDI Controller Support

The N&C console can be remote operated through a UDP connection, which allows users to control in-game effects from input peripherals such as MIDI controllers. This is useful for tuning various graphics parameters such as position of the sun, intensities of lights, material parameters, filter settings, etc.

You can find a compatible MIDI controller driver here

To enable remote access to your N&C client, you will need to set the following console variables before starting the game, i.e. in the config file or through the command line:

 rcon_password "<password>"
 backdoor "1"

Note: the password set here should match the password specified in the korgi configuration file.

Note 2: enabling the rcon backdoor allows other people to issue console commands to your game from other computers, so choose a good password.