h1. Ajaxful Rating
Provides a simple way to add rating functionality to your application.
h2. Repository
Find it at "github.com/edgarjs/ajaxful-rating":http://github.com/edgarjs/ajaxful-rating
h2. Demo
You can find a demo working app for this plugin at "http://github.com/edgarjs/ajaxful-rating_demo_app":http://github.com/edgarjs/ajaxful-rating_demo_app Just migrate and run...
Or view it live: "http://axr.heroku.com":http://axr.heroku.com
h2. Instructions
h3. Install
To install the gem run the next command:
@gem install ajaxful_rating@
You can configure it in your environment.rb file also:
@config.gem "ajaxful_rating"@
h3. Generate
@script/generate ajaxful_rating UserModelName@
The generator takes one argument: UserModelName, which is the name of your current user model. This is necessary to link both the rate and user models.
Also this generator copies the necesary images, styles, etc.
Example: I suppose you have generated already an authenticated model...
script/generate authenticated user sessions script/generate ajaxful_rating user
So this call will create a Rate model and will link it to your User model.
h3. Prepare
To let a model be rateable just add @ajaxful_rateable@. You can pass a hash of options to customise this call:
class Car < ActiveRecord::Base ajaxful_rateable :stars => 10, :dimensions => [:speed, :beauty, :price] end
Then you need to add a call @ajaxful_rater@ in the user model to make your @User@ model able to rate objects.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base ajaxful_rater end
Finally, as a mere recomendation to make it even easier, modify your routes to map a rate action:
@map.resources :cars, :member => {:rate => :post}@
h3. Use it
To add the star links you need to call the helper method @ratings_for@. It tries to call @current_user@ method as the rater instance. You can pass @:static@ as the second param to display only the static stars (not clickables). And also you can pass the dimension you want to show the ratings for.
#show.html.erb <%= ratings_for @article %> #To display static stars: <%= ratings_for @article, :static %> #To display the ratings for a dimension: <%= ratings_for @article, :dimension => :speed %>
Or you can specify a custom user instance by passing it as parameter.
<%= ratings_for @article, @user %>
By default ratings_for will display the average user rating. If you would like it to display the rating for the current_user, then set the :show_user_rating parameter to true. For example:
# To display the rating for the current user (current_user): <%= ratings_for @article, :show_user_rating => true %> # To display the rating for the user specified by @user: <%= ratings_for @article, @user, :show_user_rating => true %>
There's a condition here, if you didn't add the route @rate@ to your resource (as shown above) or you named it different, you'll need to pass the url to the correct action in your controller:
<%= ratings_for @article, :remote_options => {:url => your_rate_path(@article)} %>
h3. Important!
To display the stars properly you need to add a call in the head of your layout, which will generate the required CSS style for the list. Also don't forget to include the javascripts.
It's also important to note that this call MUST be within your head tags in your layout, as for now it seems to doesn't work with the @content_for@ tag.
#within the head tags of your layout... <%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %> <%= ajaxful_rating_style %>
When a user submits a rating it will call the action in your controller, for example (if you added the @rate@ route):
def rate @car = Car.find(params[:id]) @car.rate(params[:stars], current_user, params[:dimension]) render :update do |page| page.replace_html @car.wrapper_dom_id(params), ratings_for(@car, params.merge(:wrap => false)) page.visual_effect :highlight, @car.wrapper_dom_id(params) end end
There are some more options for this helper, please see the rdoc for details.
h3. Dimensions
From now on you can pass an optional parameter to the @rates@ method for your rateable object to retrieve the corresponding rates for the dimension you want.
For example, you defined these dimensions:
class Car < ActiveRecord::Base ajaxful_rateable :dimensions => [:speed, :beauty, :price] end
And hence you can call @car.rates(:price)@ for the price rates or @car.rates(:speed)@ for the speed ratings and so on.
h3. Namespaces
If you use the plugin inside a namespace you’ll need to specify the rating url which should points to a controller inside a namespace. Your files should be like these:
routes.rb: map.namespace :admin do |admin| admin.resources :articles, :member => {:rate => :post} end views/admin/articles/show.html.erb <%= ratings_for @article, :remote_options => {:url => rate_admin_article_path(@article)} %>
h3. Cache
To cache the model's rating average add a column named @rating_average@ to your model table:
class AddRatingAverageToArticles < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up add_column :articles, :rating_average, :decimal, :default => 0, :precision => 6, :scale => 2 end def self.down remove_column :articles, :rating_average end end
If you want to customise the name of the cache column just pass it in the options hash:
class Article < ActiveRecord::Base ajaxful_rateable :cache_column => :my_cached_rating end
To use caching with dimensions, make sure you have a cache column defined for each dimension you want cached. So if you want to cache the @spelling@ dimension, you’ll need to have a column called @rating_average_spelling@ on the articles table. If you use a custom cache column name, follow the pattern @cache_column_name_dimension_name@ to add cache columns for dimensions.
h2. About backwards compatibility
Version 2.0 of the plugin works only from Rails 2.2 and on. It uses the module @I18n@ which is new in rails 2.2. Please note that you can use it in past versions as long as you customise the source code.
I decided to jump directly to version 2.0 because there are many important changes. You can always checkout the version 1.0 from the repository though.
h2. Feedback
If you find bugs please open a ticket at "http://github.com/edgarjs/ajaxful-rating/issues":http://github.com/edgarjs/ajaxful-rating/issues
I'll really appreciate your feedback, please contact me at e[at]dgar[dot]org
h2. Credits
The helper's style is from "komodomedia":http://www.komodomedia.com/blog/2007/01/css-star-rating-redux/ with author's permission.
If you need the psd files of the stars you can grab them "here":http://aws3-edgarjs-zips.s3.amazonaws.com/ajaxful_rating_stars.zip
Thanks to "bborn":http://github.com/bborn for the dimensions base implementation.
h2. License
This code is released under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license.