edgeless-project / edgeless

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EDGELESS Reference Implementation

This repository contains a research prototype of the EDGELESS platform, which is under active development within the project EDGELESS.

There currently are no guarantees on Stability and API-Stability!


EDGELESS is a framework that enables serverless edge computing, which is intended especially for edge nodes with limited capabilities.

An EDGELESS cluster consists of one or more orchestration domains (three in the example figure above) managed by an ε-CON (controller).

Users interact with the ε-CON to request the creation of workflows. A workflow specifies how a number of functions and resources should interact with one another to compose the service requested by the user by sending to one another asynchronous events that are akin to function invocations. Functions live entirely within the realm of the EDGELESS run-time, while resources may interact with the external environment, e.g., handling events in a resource may have a side effect, such as updating an entry on an external in-memory database or reading the value of a physical sensor.

Currently supported resources:

Functions are stateful: a given function instance is assigned to exactly one workflow, thus the function developer may assume that data will generally remain available across multiple invocations on the same function instance. However such state is:

Furthermore, unlike many other serverless computing platforms, workflows may consist of a wide variety of function compositions, as illustrated below.

An orchestration domain contains:

The byte code of the WASM function instance or the name of the Docker container to be started is provided by the user when requesting the creation of a workflow, which also includes annotations to specify the Quality of Service requirements (e.g., maximum completion time) and workload characteristics (e.g, average invocation rate), as well as affinity of functions to specific hardware properties (e.g., GPU required) or preference for other system parameters (e.g., location, owner, price). Depending on the annotations, the set of active workflows, and the current system conditions, the ε-CON may reject the workflow creation request.

Some components/features are illustrated separately:

Known limitations

Currently there are several known limitations, including the following ones:

The full list of issues is tracked on GitHub.

Stay tuned (star & watch the GitHub project) to remain up to date on future developments.

Repository structure

Directory Description
deployment Docker and Docker Compose scripts
documentation Repository documentation.
edgeless_api gRPC API definitions, both services and messages. This directory must be imported by other projects wishing to interact with EDGELESS components through its interfaces. The following interfaces are currently implemented: s01, s04, s06, s07.
edgeless_api_core Work-in-progress development on minimal functions for embedded devices using CoAP.
edgeless_bal Reference implementation of the ε-BAL, currently a mere skeleton. The concrete implementation will be done in the next project phase when inter-domain workflows will be supported.
edgeless_benchmark Suite to benchmark an EDGELESS system in controlled and repeatable conditions using artificial workloads.
edgeless_cli EDGELESS command-line interface. This is used currently to locally build function instances and to interact with the ε-CON via the s04 interface to create/terminate/list workflows.
edgeless_con Reference implementation of the ε-CON, currently only supporting a single orchestration domain and ignoring workflow annotations.
edgeless_container_function Skeleton of a function to be deployed in a container.
edgeless_dataplane EDGELESS intra-domain dataplane, which is realised through the full-mesh interconnection of gRPC services implementing the s01 API.
edgeless_embedded Work-in-progress implementation of special features for embedded devices.
edgeless_embedded_emu Embedded device emulator.
edgeless_embedded_esp32 Support of some ESP32 microcontrollers.
edgeless_function WebAssembly Rust bindings and function programming model.
edgeless_http Utility structures and methods for HTTP bindings.
edgeless_inabox Implements a minimal, yet complete, EDGELESS system consisting of an ε-CON, an ε-ORC, an ε-BAL and an edgeless node. This is intended to be used for development/validation purposes.
edgeless_node EDGELESS node with WebAssembly and Container run-times.
edgeless_orc Reference implementation of the ε-ORC, supporting deployment annotations and implementing two simple function instance allocation strategies: random and round-robin. Upscaling is not supported: all the functions are deployed as single instances.
edgeless_systemtests Tests of EDGELESS components deployed in a system fashion, e.g., interacting through gRPC interfaces.
edgeless_telemetry Work-in-progress component that provides telemetry data regarding the EDGELESS operation, also supporting Prometheus agents.
examples Contains several examples showcasing the key features of the EDGELESS reference implementation.
functions Library of functions shipping with the EDGELESS platform and used in the examples.
model Work-in-progress OCaml model of the EDGELESS system.
scripts Collection of scripts

How to build

See building instructions.

How to run

It is recommended that you enable at least info-level log directives with:

export RUST_LOG=info

To get the basic system running, first create the default configuration files (they have fixed hardcoded values):

target/debug/edgeless_inabox -t 
target/debug/edgeless_cli -t cli.toml

which will create:

Then you can run the EDGELESS-in-a-box, which is a convenience binary that runs every necessary component as one, using the generated configuration files:


Congratulations 🎉 now that you have a complete EDGELESS system you may want to check the the examples/ directory, which contains several workflows/functions that are representative of the current EDGELESS features.

You can find here the full list with a short description of each.

Next steps

Please refer to the following specific docs:


We love the open source community of developers ❤️ and we welcome contributions to EDGELESS.

The contributing guide contains some rules you should adhere to when contributing to this repository.


The Repository is licensed under the MIT License. Please refer to LICENSE and CONTRIBUTORS.txt.


EDGELESS received funding from the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HADEA) program under Grant Agreement No 101092950.