edgi-govdata-archiving / EEW_SDWA_NJ

An open educational resource developed at the Environmental Data and Governance Initiative for interactive exploration of New Jersey's waters and water pollution.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Exploring Safe Drinking Water in New Jersey

An open educational resource developed at the Environmental Data and Governance Initiative (EDGI) for interactive exploration of New Jersey's waters and water pollution.

Instructions for use

This project is staged at https://eew-sdwa-nj.streamlit.app/.

Instructions for development

This app is rendered in Streamlit. To run locally:

  1. Install project requirements with pipenv sync. You may also need to run pipenv shell.
  2. Run this app with streamlit run Welcome.py


Developed by Eric Nost and Kelsey Breseman based on infrastructure from EDGI's Environmental Enforcement Watch project (credits here). Funding for this project comes from National Science Foundation Awards #2127334 and #2127335: "Collaborative Research: Socio-economic patterns, public perceptions, and climate vulnerabilities of water resources and quality"; Principal Investigators: William D'Andrea (Columbia), and Nicole Davi, Marianne Sullivan, and Lilian Milanes (William Paterson University).