edgy-noodle / mono-repo

One repo to rule them all.
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yamllint shellcheck fluxe2e helmtesting terraformvalidate

One repo to rule them all.
Ansible-provisioned bare-metal k8s cluster managed by Flux.

Soon to be deprecated after switching to Terraform-provisioned IaC.


|-- ansible
|   |-- playbooks
|   `-- roles
|       |-- k8s
|       |   |-- k8s_all
|       |   |-- k8s_cpn
|       |   |-- k8s_flux
|       |   |-- k8s_reset
|       |   |-- k8s_vault
|       |   |-- k8s_vault_add
|       |   `-- k8s_workers
|       `-- unix
|           |-- nfs_init
|           |-- vms_init
|           `-- vms_update
|-- flux
|   |-- clusters
|   |   `-- dev
|   |       |-- flux-system
|   |       `-- infra
|   `-- infra
|       |-- cloudflare-tunnel
|       |-- consul
|       |-- grafana-operator
|       |   `-- grafana
|       |-- kube-bench
|       |-- kubelet-csr-approver
|       |-- metrics-server
|       |-- postgres
|       |-- prometheus
|       |-- secrets-store
|       |   |-- secrets-store-csi-driver
|       |   `-- vault-csi-provider
|       |-- sources
|       |-- storage
|       `-- weave-gitops
|-- helm
|   `-- cloudflare-tunnel
|       `-- templates
|-- resources
|   |-- gha
|   `-- scripts
`-- terraform
    `-- modules
        |-- bare-metal
        |-- betterstack
        `-- vault




Getting started

  1. Fork mono-repo and update the inventory file with your managed nodes.
  2. SSH into your Ansible Control Node and switch to root user with su -.
  3. Create a vms.txt file containing a space-separated list of your managed node's IPs.
  4. Copy the contents of ansible_init.sh script found under resources\scripts and edit the USER and REPO vars to match your SSH user and fork.
  5. Run chmod u+x ansible_init.sh to make it executable, then run ./ansible_init.sh and follow the directions until finished.

You should now be switched to the newly created ansible account.
If you need to add another VM in the future, simply switch to root, add it to vms.txt and run the script again.

  1. Generate a secure password and save it under ~/mono-repo/ansible/.vault-password.
  2. Run ansible-playbook ./playbooks/ansible_init.yml to initialize Ansible itself.
  3. Run ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass ./playbooks/vms_init.yml -u <USER> to initialize managed nodes. Set <USER> to the initial account you created across all VMs.

Remaining playbooks can now be executed with ansible-playbook ./playbooks/<PLAYBOOK_NAME> <OPTIONS>.
Extra variables can be added with -e '' option as a space-separated list of key=value pairs between the brackets.

K8s and Flux
  1. Generate PAT as described in this guide.
  2. Run k8s_init.yml playbook with --tags k8s_init and the following variables for Flux bootstrap:
    • flux_gh_owner - repo owner username (--owner)
    • flux_gh_repo - repo name (--repository)
    • flux_gh_cluster - cluster path (--path)
    • flux_gh_token - PAT generated in previous step
  3. While on Bootstrap flux task at the end of the play, login to your CPN and run kubectl get CertificateSigningRequest | grep Pending.
  4. Approve the certificate requests using kubectl certificate approve <NAME> based on the list returned in previous step.

The cluster is now ready and can be interacted with from any of the k8s nodes. You can easily ssh through the ansible user on the Ansible Controle Node.

HashiCorp Vault
  1. Create/login to your AWS root account and under IAM create a policy with the following permissions for KMS service:
    • Read/DescribeKey
    • Write/Decrypt
  2. Create a user and assign it to the policy. In Users view under IAM, create an access key.
  3. Under KMS, create a new key with the default config and name it vault. Pay attention to the region.
  4. Run k8s_init.yml playbook with --tags k8s_vault and the following variables:
    • vault_aws_access_key_id - generated in Step 2
    • vault_aws_secret_access_key - generated in Step 2
    • vault_aws_region - chosen in Step 3
    • vault_aws_kms_key_id - generated in Step 3

Failures are expected during check tasks on the first run. These indicate lack of resource and trigger its creation.

Adding secrets
  1. Run k8s_vault_add.yml playbook with the following variables:
    • vault_secret_name
    • vault_secret_data - a JSON object containing a dict {} of "key":"value" pairs

Useful links