edqx / node-smhw-client

A ShowMyHomework API Wrapper/Client for nodejs
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api nodejs showmyhomework smhw


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node-shmw-client is a completely promise-based wrapper for the showmyhomework api.


Getting all tasks for tomorrow

const ShowMyHomework = require("node-smhw-client");

const Client = new ShowMyHomework.Client();

Client.searchSchools("Elk Valley Elementary").then(function (school) {
    Client.login(school[0].id, "biglad1@biglads.com", "password").then(function () {
        Client.getTodo().then(function (tasks) {
            var tasks_for_tomorrow = tasks.filter(function (task) {
                var today = new Date();
                var tomorrow = new Date(today.getFullYear(), today.getMonth(), today.getDate() + 1);
                var task_due = new Date(task.due_timestamp);

                return tomorrow.getFullYear() == task_due.getFullYear() && tomorrow.getMonth() == task_due.getMonth() && tomorrow.getDate() == task_due.getDate();

            console.log(tasks_for_tomorrow); // Array of Task objects

Getting yours or teachers comments on homework

Client.getHomework("homework id").then(function (homework) {
    homework.getOwnSubmission().then(function (submission) {
        submission.getComments().then(function (comments) {
            console.log(comments); // Array of SubmissionComment objects

Getting your spelling test submission answers

Client.getSpellingTest("spelling test id").then(function (spelling_test) {
    spelling_test.getOwnSubmission().then(function (submission) {
        submission.getSubmissionTasks().then(function (tasks) {
            console.log(tasks.map(_ => _.attempt1.text));


Full documentation is available on the wiki here. I am not responsible for anything you do using this library.