= Issue_closed http://stillmaintained.com/edtsech/redmine_x_closed.png
This redmine plugin closing issues a week after their "Resolving".
== Installing delayed_job:
To working plugin Redmine Issue Closed you need to install and start delayed_job. Delayed job is plugin for background processes.
In your terminal:
1) script/plugin install git://github.com/collectiveidea/delayed_job.git -r v2.0
(only v2.0 works with Rails 2.x)
2) script/generate delayed_job rake db:migrate
3) create config/initializers/delayed_job_config.rb and add this code into it:
Delayed::Worker.backend = :active_record silence_warnings do Delayed::Job.const_set("MAX_ATTEMPTS", 3) Delayed::Job.const_set("MAX_RUN_TIME", 7.days) end
4) rake jobs:work
(for starting background processes)
If you have any problem regarding DelayedJobs, go to: http://github.com/collectiveidea/delayed_job
== Installing Redmine Issues Closed on Redmine 0.9+ (tested on 1.2.1)
1) script/plugin install git://github.com/edtsech/redmine_x_closed.git
2) rake db:migrate_plugins
3) go to Admin -> Issue Statuses and set up plugin (select "resolved" & "closed" statuses)
== Installing Redmine Issues Closed on Redmine 0.8.*
1) Go to "Download" tab
2) Download "Redmineight" archive
3) Unpack archive to vendor/plugins
4) rake db:migrate_plugins
5) go to Admin -> Issue Statuses and set up plugin (select "resolved" & "closed" statuses)
== To turn off Redmine Issue Closed Plugin:
project/settings/ > Modules