eduNEXT / tutor-contrib-edunext-distro

A tool to facilitate the customization of an Openedx instance, adding commands and settings to have an easy-to-use and a ready-to-deploy in local or in development openedx distribution.
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[BUG] Bargi theme repository for quince not found #65

Open alexshikov opened 1 week ago

alexshikov commented 1 week ago

Describe the bug Running tutor distro enable-themes after updating the config.yml as per Readme, fails with error Repository not found. Could not read from remote repository.

tutor version: 17.0.4

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Update config.yml file with settings as per Readme:
    - domain:
    name: ednx-saas-themes
    path: eduNEXT
    protocol: ssh
    repo: ednx-saas-themes
    version: edunext/quince.master
    - bragi
    DISTRO_THEMES_ROOT: /openedx/themes
    - /openedx/themes/ednx-saas-themes/edx-platform
    - /openedx/themes/ednx-saas-themes/edx-platform/bragi-generator
    - /openedx/themes/ednx-saas-themes/edx-platform/bragi-children
    - eox-tenant==v11.2.0
    - eox-theming==v7.0.0
  2. tutor config save
  3. tutor distro enable-themes
  4. See error
    > tutor distro enable-themes
    Cloning into '/Users/admin/Library/Application Support/tutor/env/build/openedx/themes/ednx-saas-themes'...
    ERROR: Repository not found.
    fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists.

**Expected behavior**
Should the bargi theme for quince be accessible and `tutor distro enable-themes` run successfully?

**Additional context**
We've tried to use publicly available `palm` version from this repo, even though it installed, built and launched successfully, opening `` shows blank page, which looks expected due to incompatibility of theme and the platform versions.
dcoa commented 1 week ago

Hi @alexshikov,

Distro is 100% customizable, because of that, bragi is an example to explain how to add themes. You should add your own theme (or the community one if that is the case).

We are improving the plugin documentation to avoid confusions.

alexshikov commented 1 week ago

Hi @dcoa,

Thank you for the explanation. Does that mean tutor-indigo theme could be used instead?

I wasn't able to find any examples of using distro with other themes. Are there any known community themes compatible with distro and if there are any limitations (like MFE should be avoided)?

dcoa commented 5 days ago

Yes, you can work with the indigo theme alongside this plugin without a problem (please refer to its documentation to know how that tutor plugin works).

Distro can work with any comprehensive theme because the plugin is designed to facilitate the installation and enabling of 1 or more themes, with fewer steps.