eduNEXT / tutor-contrib-edunext-distro

A tool to facilitate the customization of an Openedx instance, adding commands and settings to have an easy-to-use and a ready-to-deploy in local or in development openedx distribution.
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Distro plugin for Tutor

This plugin is a tool to facilitate the customization of an Open edX instance, adding commands and settings to have an easy-to-use and a ready-to-deploy in a local or development environment.


To install the latest release, run:

pip install git+

You can install a specific version by adding the tag at the end, e.g, @v17.0.0


  1. Enable the plugin: after installing the plugin, enable it by running:
tutor plugins enable distro
  1. Configure the Distro plugin: this plugin adds a new set of settings used to further customize your Open edX installation. Refer to the following documentation to know the Distro variables:

[!NOTE] From version 15, this plugin has no default values.

  1. After enabling the plugin, you'll have the following commands available to use:
# Validate the Distro settings are properly set
tutor distro syntax-validator

# Validate the repositories for packages are valid
tutor distro repository-validator

# Enable themes
tutor distro enable-themes

# Enable private packages
tutor distro enable-private-packages

# Run Tutor commands
tutor distro run-extra-commands
  1. Launch your customized instance tutor local launch or tutor dev launch.

Using a custom edx-platform branch

If you want to use a custom edx-platform branch alongside the plugin, your branch must be compatible with the plugin's release. Refer to the How to customize distro document to set up the repository.

Please see the following table for details on compatibility.

openedx tutor
lilac v12
maple v13
nutmeg v14
olive v15
palm v16
quince v17

Then, specify the docker image variables to identify your custom images, like the example:


Finally, launch your instance or build a new image to reflect the changes.

Check the Tutor Documentation for more information on working with custom repositories and images.


A package is used to modify or extend the platform's functionality, this includes plugins and xblocks.

If you are not adding configuration variables to your packages or installing private packages, you can use OPENEDX_EXTRA_PIP_REQUIREMENTS. instead.

How to add a new package

In your config.yml you can include a package by following this structure:

  index: git
  name: eox-package # directory name
  # ---- git package variables
  repo: eox-package # git repository name
  path: eduNEXT
  protocol: ssh
  # ---- end git package variables
  version: master
  private: true
    development: {}
    production: {}
# If you want to install a package from pip,
# you must set the index to pip and remove the repository but this
# won't be installed as editable.

The package's variables will be loaded as LMS and CMS settings.

In case you want to make your package editable, then you can mount it as a volume using that path.

Private packages

Setting the value private to true in your package configuration allows you to install a package from a private repository. For it to work, enable it by running this command:

tutor distro enable-private-packages

[!IMPORTANT] After adding public or private packages in a local environment, you should run:

tutor images build openedx
tutor local do init
tutor local start


tutor local launch

[!IMPORTANT] After adding public or private packages in a dev environment, you should run:

tutor images build openedx-dev
tutor dev do init
tutor dev start


tutor dev launch


We use a theme for changing the appearance across the Open edX platform.

Declare the path where your themes will be located with tutor config save --set DISTRO_THEMES_ROOT="your_path", we recommend using /openedx/themes

When you set the DISTRO_THEMES_ROOT, the theme will be in your <tutor_root>/env/build<distro_themes_root>.

DISTRO_THEMES_ROOT: /openedx/themes

In the previous example, the theme will be in env/build/openedx/themes when you execute the enable-themes command.

How to add a theme

  1. Set a list of themes to clone by adding DISTRO_THEMES configuration to your config.yml file, each of them should follow the structure:
  - domain:
    name: my-theme
    path: my-account
    protocol: ssh
    repo: my-openedx-theme
    version: release-compatible


  1. Set 1 or more theme directories:
  - /openedx/themes/my-openedx-theme
  1. Set a list of the theme names that will be enabled in your instance:
  - my-theme

[!TIP] If you have more than 1 theme installed, you can use DISTRO_DEFAULT_SITE_THEME to set the default one, otherwise, the first one in the list name will be used.

  1. Run the command to clone and enable the themes:
tutor distro enable-themes

[!IMPORTANT] After adding themes in a local environment, you should run:

tutor images build openedx
tutor local do init
tutor local start


tutor local launch

[!IMPORTANT] After adding themes in a dev environment, you should run:

tutor images build openedx-dev
tutor dev do init
tutor dev start
tutor dev run lms openedx-assets themes --theme-dirs [THEME_DIRS] --themes [THEME_NAMES]


tutor dev launch
tutor dev run lms openedx-assets themes --theme-dirs [THEME_DIRS] --themes [THEME_NAMES]



Helpers for ensuring the correct setting definition.

Repository validator

If you want to make sure that the git repository urls in the config.yml file are valid, run the following command:

tutor distro repository-validator

The command will check the git URLs of the OPENEDX_EXTRA_PIP_REQUIREMENTS element, for example, git+

It will also check all elements that end in DPKG and have the parameter private: false, for example:

  index: git
  name: eox-hooks
  repo: eox-hooks
  path: eduNEXT
  protocol: https
  private: false
    development: {}
    production: {}
  version: master

Syntax validator

If you want to validate the syntax of the config.yml file, run the following command:

tutor distro syntax-validator

The command will check the configuration for:


Commands for clone and set up themes and private packages in your instance.

Visit Themes and Packages sections for better understanding.

Tutor extra commands

This feature is useful for creating build pipelines or replicating instances with the same Tutor configuration with fewer steps. You can run different tutor commands at once by adding them into the config.yml in the DISTRO_EXTRA_COMMANDS attribute, like this:

  - tutor plugins install mfe && tutor plugins enable mfe
  - tutor plugins index add

[!NOTE] You can only insert commands enabled by the Tutor CLI.

Once you have added the commands you want to execute, you will need to run the following command:

tutor distro run-extra-commands

Other configurations available

Useful for extending the edx-platform configuration.

How to add custom middleware

You should set the variable DISTRO_EXTRA_MIDDLEWARES in your config.yml to add a new middleware in settings.MIDDLEWARE

  - middleware.test.1
  - middleware.test.2

How to add extra file requirements

You should set the variable INSTALL_EXTRA_FILE_REQUIREMENTS in your config.yml file if you need to install extra files. The structure should be like:

  path: ./requirements/extra_file/
  files: [/edunext/base.txt, /test/test.txt]

It's important that .txt files are added in the requirements directory, similar to EXTRA PIP REQUIREMENTS from Tutor.

How to enable openedx extra settings

You should set the variable OPENEDX_EXTRA_SETTINGS in your config.yml file if you need to enable cms_env, lms_env, or pre_init_lms_task settings to make plugins work as expected. For now, the principal settings should be like this:

  cms_env: [USE_EOX_TENANT: true]
      ./ lms migrate contenttypes,
      ./ lms migrate eox_core,
      ./ lms migrate eox_tenant,
      ./ lms migrate eox_tagging,
      ./ lms migrate eox_audit_model,

The list could grow according to the needs that arise at the time of configuring plugins.



This software is licensed under the terms of the AGPLv3.