edwig / ODBCQueryTool

Open ODBC Querytool for SQL RDBMS environments
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database odbc sql sql-query

This is the README for ODBC QueryTool

This ODBC Query tool is meant to be used against ODBC datasources. It's primary purpose was to test various SQL commands againt an ODBC connection instead of an Oracle OCI connection. This was needed because 1) Specific ODBC SQL could be tested like "{ oj ... }" outer join syntax 2) Specific escape sequences could be testen like "{ fn ...}" syntax 3) General proof that a command does work against an ODBC connection 4) General proof that the ODBC connection does work

More general: nowdays every database tend to come with it's own administration and query tools, which means that a user has to have knowledge of all seperate tools and interfaces. This tool provides 1 (one) interface for a general ODBC database, so that a user only needs one tool to learn. The downside of this choice is that the more sophisticated administration tasks cannot be administred right away other than by typing SQL. There are no fancy dialogs to administer database dependent objects like stored procs and such. The good thing about this is that the user gets to know their database pretty well.


Releasenotes 3.4.3

The scripting :if command now has multiple operators: '=', '<>', '<', '>', '<=', '>=' The value of a variable can now be printed in the :print command to the output file A variable can be assigned the value of another variable with ":variable = variable;" Fixed a bug in the variables dialog (See menu: Script/Variables)

Releasenotes 3.4.2

Updated the libraries to the latest version. After a half year of testing: fixing a lot of small Unicode bugs Added the 'mustard' (yelow) and 'dark' themes Fixed a bug in the object-discovery of the Firebird drivers. Columns of tables and procedure arguments are working again. Fixed a bug in the installer. Check on 'not-yet-installed' added

Releasenotes 3.4.1

Fixed a bug getting the database "Ping" from Firebird. Also fixes a crash on that database after a few minutes.

Releasenotes 3.4.0

This version is dedicated to the conversion to Unicode 16. The Unicode versions are still in early development stages. For production environments you are still encouraged to choose for the (old fashioned) ANSI/MBCS coding version.

You can make a choise from the following set of installers:

Releasenotes 3.3.1

It is now possible to override the character set from the database by using one of two methods:

1) Reading the default character set from a system table (e.g. Firebird); 2) Choosing a character set directly from a list.

You can find this setting by navigating to the 'Text' menu, and then 'Permanent settings' and then to the 'SQL' tab. There you will find the field 'Charset handling'. When choosing the third option ('Use charset translation') the combobox for 'character set' will become active and you can choose a character set.

Most notabely you can use this setting for RDBMS types that are not directly supported such as for instance a 'SAP-Hana' database. Or for database types where the ODBC driver does not correctly hands over the character buffer in UTF-16 form to the MS-Windows operating system. Such as the Firebird ODBC driver 2.x

NOTE:Do NOT forget to reset this general setting when connecting to a different database that does not adhere correctly to the ODBC standard! As it will bite you as it did me!! :-(

Releasenotes 3.3.0

In this release the free 'odbc-connection-string' feature is implemented (at last). Connections can have the combination of "datasource" / "user" / "password". Or a free connection string. In the latter case, only the 'datasource' name is stored for the connection.

Optionally you can leave out the user name and/or the password name if a datasource does not require these for security reasons. An MS-Access database or the MS-Excel ODBC driver are examples of these.

There is a new button "Connection string" on the connection dialog, or you can use the 'Details' button to fill in a connection string to your liking.

Releasenotes 3.2.4

Releasenotes 3.2.3

Releasenotes 3.2.2

Releasenotes 3.2.1

Releasenotes 3.2.0

Adding in this release:

Releasenotes version 3.1.0

Relaesenotes version 3.0.8

Releasenotes version 3.0.7

Releasenotes version 3.0.6

Releasenotes version 3.0.5

Releasenotes version 3.0.4

Releasenotes version 3.0.3

Releasenotes version 3.0.2

Releasenotes version 3.0.1

Releasenotes version 3.0.0

Releasenotes version 2.5.1

Releasenotes version 2.5.0

Releasenotes version 2.4.0

Releasenotes version 2.3.3

Releasenotes version 2.3.2

Releasenotes version 2.3.1

Releasenotes version 2.3.0

Releasenotes version 2.2.2

Releasenotes version 2.2.1

Releasenotes version 2.2.0

Releasenotes version 2.1.0

In this release much work has been done for the object tree. The object tree is now fully functional with the folllowing objects

Sequences, triggers and catalog tables are objects that are not directly supported by ODBC. For these objects the tree will only fully function:

1.Firebird 3.x and higher 2.PostgreSQL 9.x and higher 3.MySQL 5.7 and higher 4.Oracle 11.2 and higher 5.IBM-Informix 12.x and higher

For triggers and stored procedures: you can see the full source code of the persistent-stored-module by double clicking on the 'S'ourcecode node under the trigger or stored procedure.

Releasenotes version 2.0.0