edwnh / dqmc

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Determinantal quantum Monte Carlo for the Hubbard model


For python scripts in util/

On a local computer: you can get these via Intel oneAPI and miniconda/anaconda. On a cluster: these are likely installed already as modules.


Go to build/

Optionally, replace -xHost in Makefile or Makefile.icx with appropriate instruction set flag for optimization.

Mandatory: pick whether to compile with -DUSE_CPLX. Real DQMC uses 8 bytedouble, and can only be used with hdf5 files generated with nflux=0 option, while Complex DQMC uses 16 byte complex double, and can only be used with hdf5 files generated with nflux!=0 option.

Run make.


To (batch-)generate simulation files, run python3 gen_1band_hub.py <parameter arguments>

To push some .h5 files to a stack, run python3 push.py <stackfile_name> <some .h5 files>

Run dqmc in single file mode: ./dqmc_1 [options] file.h5

Run dqmc in stack mode: ./dqmc_stack [options] stackfile

Usage details


  1. Generate simulation files using gen_1band_hub.py or a similar script. Parameters can be passed through the command line. A list of parameters and their default values can be found in the function definitions of create_1 and create_batch in util/gen_1band_hub.py.
  2. Perform the Monte Carlo sweeps using dqmc_1 (single file mode) or dqmc_stack (stack mode).
    1. Single file mode usage: ./build/dqmc_1 [-b] [-l log_file.log] [-t max_time] sim_file.h5.
      • -b: Benchmark mode, data is not saved.
      • -l log_file.log: Write output to log_file.log instead of stdout.
      • -t max_time: Run for a maximum of max_time seconds. Saves a checkpoint if simulation does not complete.
    2. Stack mode usage:
      1. Append simulation filenames to a stack file: python util/push.py stack_file file_0.h5 file_1.h5 file_2.h5 ....
      2. Run multiple instances of dqmc_stack. For instance, mpirun -n 4 ./build/dqmc_stack -t 100 stack_file. The -t flag is as in dqmc_1. Each instance will read a simulation filename from the last line of the stack file. It then erases that line and starts the simulation. If the simulation does not complete, the filename will be appended back onto the stack file. If the simulation does complete, dqmc_stack will try to read another filename from the last line of the stack file. dqmc_stack finishes once the stack file is empty or the time limit set by -t is reached, in which case all ongoing simulations will be checkpointed and their names appended back onto the stack file.
      3. Logs will be saved to, for instance, file_0.h5.log.
  3. Analyze the data using the scripts in util/. Typically this is done inside Jupyter notebooks.


Single file mode

ewh@7980xe ~/dqmc (master)> python util/gen_1band_hub.py U=8 mu=0 n_sweep_warm=100 n_sweep_meas=500 prefix=abcd Nfiles=1
created simulation files: abcd_0.h5
parameter file: abcd.h5.params
ewh@7980xe ~/dqmc (master)> build/dqmc_1 abcd_0.h5 
commit id 4a55817
compiled on Sep  8 2022 17:03:38
opening abcd_0.h5
0/600 sweeps completed
starting dqmc
600/600 sweeps completed
saving data
wall time: 2.937
thread_1/1_______|_% of all_|___total (s)_|___us per call_|___# calls
          recalc |   47.154 |       1.385 |       230.784 |      6000
         updates |   15.001 |       0.441 |        18.355 |     24000
            wrap |   13.493 |       0.396 |         9.434 |     42000
           calcb |   12.510 |       0.367 |         7.653 |     48000
           multb |    7.456 |       0.219 |        36.493 |      6000
       half_wrap |    1.799 |       0.053 |        10.568 |      5000
         meas_eq |    1.485 |       0.044 |        17.447 |      2500
ewh@7980xe ~/dqmc (master)> python util/summary.py abcd_0.h5 
n_sample=2500, sweep=600/600

Stack mode: 10 Markov chains, 4 instances of dqmc_stack

ewh@7980xe ~/dqmc (master)> python util/gen_1band_hub.py U=8 mu=0 n_sweep_warm=100 n_sweep_meas=500 prefix=abcd Nfiles=10
created simulation files: abcd_0.h5 ... abcd_9.h5
parameter file: abcd.h5.params
ewh@7980xe ~/dqmc (master)> python util/push.py stack_file ./abcd_*.h5
ewh@7980xe ~/dqmc (master)> mpirun -n 4 build/dqmc_stack stack_file
          7980xe   6467: starting: /home/ewh/dqmc/abcd_9.h5
          7980xe   6465: starting: /home/ewh/dqmc/abcd_8.h5
          7980xe   6466: starting: /home/ewh/dqmc/abcd_7.h5
          7980xe   6467: completed: /home/ewh/dqmc/abcd_9.h5
          7980xe   6467: starting: /home/ewh/dqmc/abcd_6.h5
          7980xe   6468: starting: /home/ewh/dqmc/abcd_5.h5
          7980xe   6465: completed: /home/ewh/dqmc/abcd_8.h5
          7980xe   6465: starting: /home/ewh/dqmc/abcd_4.h5
          7980xe   6466: completed: /home/ewh/dqmc/abcd_7.h5
          7980xe   6466: starting: /home/ewh/dqmc/abcd_3.h5
          7980xe   6467: completed: /home/ewh/dqmc/abcd_6.h5
          7980xe   6467: starting: /home/ewh/dqmc/abcd_2.h5
          7980xe   6468: completed: /home/ewh/dqmc/abcd_5.h5
          7980xe   6468: starting: /home/ewh/dqmc/abcd_1.h5
          7980xe   6465: completed: /home/ewh/dqmc/abcd_4.h5
          7980xe   6465: starting: /home/ewh/dqmc/abcd_0.h5
          7980xe   6466: completed: /home/ewh/dqmc/abcd_3.h5
          7980xe   6466: pop_stack() returned 1; idling
          7980xe   6467: completed: /home/ewh/dqmc/abcd_2.h5
          7980xe   6467: pop_stack() returned 1; idling
          7980xe   6468: completed: /home/ewh/dqmc/abcd_1.h5
          7980xe   6468: pop_stack() returned 1; idling
          7980xe   6465: completed: /home/ewh/dqmc/abcd_0.h5
          7980xe   6465: pop_stack() returned 1; idling
ewh@7980xe ~/dqmc (master)> python util/print_n.py ./
complete: 10/10
<sign>=[1. 0.]
<n>=[1.00000000e+00 1.53378912e-12]

More details

Simulation files

One Markov chain = one HDF5 file. A file contains the following groups:

Simulation file generation

List of parameters

Code description