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Django application used to integrate Open EdX with Salesforce.
This Django application uses the django-salesforce_ package to provide a Django ORM for communicating with the Salesforce API to CRUD Salesforce objects.
The application provides the sync_salesforce Django command which will query the databases that store Open EdX data related to user profiles and course purchases and then create or update objects in Salesforce.
.. _django-salesforce: https://github.com/django-salesforce/django-salesforce
The full documentation is at https://edx-salesforce.readthedocs.org.
The code in this repository is licensed under the AGPL 3.0 unless otherwise noted.
Please see LICENSE.txt
for details.
Contributions are very welcome.
Please read How To Contribute <https://github.com/edx/edx-platform/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.rst>
_ for details.
Even though they were written with edx-platform
in mind, the guidelines
should be followed for Open edX code in general.
PR description template can be found at
PR_TEMPLATE.md <https://github.com/edx/edx-salesforce/blob/master/PR_TEMPLATE.md>
Please do not report security issues in public. Please email security@edx.org.
Have a question about this repository, or about Open edX in general? Please
refer to this list of resources
_ if you need any assistance.
.. _list of resources: https://open.edx.org/getting-help