The print version of this book is available from CRC/Chapman and Hall. A complete online version of this book is available.
To recreate/reproduce this book:
subdirectory into sdsr/aq
quarto render --to html
See also the Dockerfile; building the (18 Gb) image with
docker build . -t sdsr
and running it with
docker run -p 8787:8787 -e DISABLE_AUTH=true -ti --rm sdsr
will serve an Rstudio server instance on http://localhost:8787/, without authentication.
After running the docker image and opening rstudio
in the browser:
in the bottom-right paneRender
button of the top-left pane to compile the whole bookthis should open a new browser window with the full book rendered (you may need to switch off popup blockers for localhost)
To run a selected code section, possibly after modification, find the selected code section in the corresponding .qmd
file, and click the small green arrow symbols on the top-right corner of the code blocks:
Run All Chunks Above
,Run Current Chunk
To locally process the book, download (clone) this repository and install the following R packages from CRAN:
Install INLA
install.packages("INLA", repos = c(getOption("repos"), INLA=""))
Install spDataLarge
options(timeout = 600); install.packages("spDataLarge", repos = "",type = "source")
Install starsdata
options(timeout = 1200); install.packages("starsdata", repos = "", type = "source")
Install spatialreg
from source from github, either from source:
or as binary from r-universe
options(repos = c(
rspatial = "",
CRAN = ""))
The entire book is recreated from source nightly with the latest released R and all updated [CRAN]() packages by a Github Action using this script. The online version thus rendered is found here. As this output is not checked daily it is not automatically copied to the "official" online version, at .
A version "With Applications in R and Python" is under construction; the sources are in the python branch of this repository, a rendered online version is found at .