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Opengov - Διαύγεια
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Αντικείμενο της δράσης είναι η ανάπτυξη, παράδοση και τεκμηρίωση πρότυπου λογισμικού για την προώθηση της διαφάνειας σε Φορείς της Δημόσιας Διοίκησης. Η πρότυπη ηλεκτρονική πλατφόρμα έχει τη δυνατότητα δημοσιοποίησης διαφορετικών τύπων αποφάσεων / διοικητικών πράξεων για τη δημόσια διοίκηση, εμφάνισης του σχετικού περιεχομένου με κατηγοριοποιημένο τρόπο καθώς και διάθεσης του συνόλου του περιεχομένου σε επεξεργάσιμη μορφή μέσω ανοικτής διεπαφής. Στόχος του εγγράφου είναι να παρουσιάσει τις δυνατότητες του διαχειριστή και του απλού χρήστη της εφαρμογής.

The Transparency Program initiative

Beginning October 1st, 2010, all government institutions are obliged to upload their acts and decisions on the Internet with special attention to issues of national security and sensitive personal data. Each document is digitally signed and assigned a unique Internet Uploading Number (IUN) certifying that the decision has been uploaded at the “Transparency Portal”. Following the latest legislative initiative (Law 4210/2013) of the Ministry of Administrative Reform and e-Governance, administrative acts and decisions are not valid unless published online.

The main objectives of the Program concern:

Safeguarding transparency of government actions

Eliminating corruption by exposing it more easily when it takes place

Observing legality and good administration

Reinforcing citizens’ constitutional rights, such as the participation in the Information Society

Enhancing and modernizing existing publication systems of administrative acts and decisions

Making of all administrative acts available in formats that are easy to access, navigate and comprehend, regardless of the citizen’s knowledge level of the inner processes of the administration

Taking the view that the Greek crisis, including its economic manifestations, is also due to the non transparent relationship between the citizens and the state, the transparency program introduced unprecedented levels of transparency within all levels of Greek public administration and established a new “social contract” between the citizen and the state. This initiative has a silent but profound impact on the way officials handle their executive power. The direct accountability brought upon the administration by the radical transparency that the Transparency program introduces, leaves considerably less room for corruption, and exposes it much more easily when it takes place since any citizen and every interested party enjoy the widest possible access to questionable acts. Such a collective scrutiny can be extremely effective, since it allows citizens directly involved or concerned with an issue to scrutinize it in depth, rather than leaving public scrutiny to the media, whose choice of issues necessarily may be restricted and oriented towards sensational topics.

Public authorities adopted the Program in three phases: Ministries in October 2010, Extended Public Sector and Independent Authorities in November 2010, Regional and Local Authorities in March 2011. In the 3,5 years, 11.262.086 acts and decisions have been published on the Transparency Portal from 3.677 public authorities. The current rate of uploads is 16.000 decisions per working day. Statistical information


Access to Information

Acts that are not published in the Official Gazette, are valid and get into force only if they are published on the Transparency Portal
The uploaded document prevails over all other versions of the act (prototypes in paper)
Uploaded acts can be used by citizens and the other public authorities without validation, by solely referring to their unique number.

Project Management

Beyond the leadership and political will from the top, transparency and collaborative governance policies required culture changes that propagate bottom up. In this respect, the function of a dynamic nationwide human network of Project Task Forces that share strong authority to coordinate and educate their associates, as well as to communicate the merits of the program, contributes to the rapid spread of the new values of transparency, responsibility, accountability, participation and collaboration. The Leaders of the individual Project Task Forces of the 13 participating Ministries form a Joint Task Force which supports this network, with focus on providing strong cooperation between the task forces, solving common problems, sharing best practices and collecting feedback. An education program is held in every Region covering all legal, business and technical issues. The official website,, provides information and assistance for operational and technical issues along with training and supporting material. An online Help Desk is the main channel for the submission of suggestions and requests for assistance. A first level support team receives and redirects each issue to the respective thematic second level support team in order to take relevant action. Furthermore, popular social media such as Twitter and Facebook is used to achieve the widest possible publicity and as an additional means to circulate and re-publicize the day to day material that is posted on the official Transparency websites.

Technological Infrastructure and Applications

The technological implementation model which is based on an agile strategy of “open content” and “open architecture” allows for the dissemination and re-use of Public Sector Information (PSI), providing the necessary tools for open and thorough access to it OpenDataAPI. Various applications have been built upon the Transparency open data access tools.

Monitoring and Control

The transparency portal is a powerful tool for reporting and is used by Greek Controlling Bodies for observing cases of illegality and maladministration in the public sector. The Controllers working for the Inspectors-Controllers Body for Public Administration (I.C.B.P.A.) receive reports from the Transparency portal so they can observe legality and good administration in respective entities but they also investigate complaints and denouncements - mainly reported by Citizens and enterprises. The Project Management Team also works with the General Inspector of Public Administration in order to provide information to help the Body monitor the action and evaluate the performance of all the Inspecting-Controlling Bodies/Units of Public Administration and detect and track down corruption and maladministration phenomena. The Single Public Procurement Authority (SPPA) is also using the Transparency portal services in order to retrieve and analyze public procurement decisions.

International recognition

The Transparency program is considered an open government Best Practice and has been presented to many european and international conferences and other events receiving very positive feedback. In Greece it is considered a prototype for the design of future e-Government interventions, both at the organizational and the technological level.

The Program has been selected and presented as a Best Practice at the 6th European Quality Conference, held within the quality conference cycle of European Public Administration Network (EUPAN) “Doing the right things right - Towards a more result-oriented public sector in Europe”. (

The Transparency Program has also been presented as a major successful open government reform at the Open Government Partnership (OGP),, an international platform of 63 Countries committed to making their governments more open, accountable, and responsive to citizens. Our Government has committed to strengthen and enhance this open government initiative in Greece.

Recent improvements - “DIAVGEIA II”

The greek government has recently taken the following actions concerning the Program’s policies and tools.

I. Strengthening the Program through Law 4210/2013 (O.G. A’ 254)

The main interventions include:

Acts that are not published in the Official Gazette, are valid and get into force only if they are published on the Transparency Portal

The uploaded document prevails over all other versions of the act (prototypes in paper)

Uploaded acts can be used by citizens and the other public authorities without validation, by solely referring to their unique number.

II. Extentions to the Transparency Portal

Easing accessibility and increasing user inclusion [e.g. for people with disabilities]

Ensuring efficient access to government information and documents through a new powerful portal search-mechanism.

Building new online communication channels enabling greater user interaction, and engagement e.g. through the possibility of commenting on government and administrative acts.

III. Using the Program as a tool for Monitoring and Control

The transparency portal is a powerful tool for reporting and is used by Greek Controlling Bodies for observing cases of illegality and maladministration in the public sector. The Controllers working for the Inspectors-Controllers Body for Public Administration (I.C.B.P.A.) receive reports from the Transparency portal so they can observe legality and good administration in respective entities but they also investigate complaints and denouncements - mainly reported by Citizens and enterprises. The Project Management Team also works with the General Inspector of Public Administration in order to provide information to help the Body monitor the action and evaluate the performance of all the Inspecting-Controlling Bodies/Units of Public Administration and detect and track down corruption and maladministration phenomena. The Single Public Procurement Authority (SPPA) is also using the Transparency portal services in order to retrieve and analyze public procurement decisions.