eemclaughlin / indieProject

Indie Project for MATC Enterprise Java Class
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Cookbook Recipe Tracker Individual Project

Cookbook with a lot of tabs

Problem Statement

We have a large collection of cookbooks and are looking for a way to utilize them better.
We often run into situations where we want to cook something and remember seeing the perfect recipe but cannot remember which book it is in. To mitigate this, we have several books that are full of tabs marking the various recipes, but it is still difficult to track what recipe is at each tab. we have tried to create keys for the tabs but the whole thing turns into a mess before long.

This app is an effort to resolve these issues. Users will be able to create an account and then enter info about important recipes into it. Most notably, users would enter recipe name, a short description, some keywords/tags, the cookbook where the recipe is located, and, most importantly, the page number.

Once recipes are entered, users can browse through them on their homepage and see info/notes about each recipe. Users will also be able to search using recipe name or keywords. When a recipe is found, it will then point the user to the appropriate cookbook and page number.

Additional Notes

Web Application

Video Demonstrations

Design Related Information

Other Stuff

