eems-leo / fatmcgav-glassfish

Rewritten Glassfish module to improve functionality and support.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Puppet Glassfish module

Puppet Forge Build Status Coverage Status

Original puppet-glassfish author - Lars Tobias Skjong-Børsting
Copyright - Gavin Williams

License: GPLv3

Table of Contents


This module adds support for installing and managing the Glassfish J2EE application server. It supports Glassfish J2EE version 3.1 and 4.0, running on EL and Debian linux distributions.


This module can do the following:

Further features that are likely to be added include:


This module requires the Puppetlabs-Stdlib module >= 3.2.0.


Glassfish can be installed and configured with a default configuration with:

include glassfish

This will install Java 7 OpenJDK, create a Glassfish group and user account, download and install Glassfish J2EE v3.1.2.2 using a Zip file. No domains are created by default.

To install Glassfish using a package manager, such as yum or apt, you could do:

class { 'glassfish':
  install_method => 'package', 
  package_prefix => 'glassfish'

_packageprefix can be used to change the package naming structure. The required version is appended to the end to form the package name, e.g.: glassfish3-

To create and configure a domain upon installation, you could do:

class { 'glassfish': 
  create_domain => true, 
  domain_name   => 'gf_domain', 
  portbase      => '8000'

This will install Glassfish and create a domain called 'gf_domain' using portbase 8000, with a default username/password of 'admin/adminadmin'.

If you are using other means to manage user accounts on this host, then you can stop this module managing user accounts by doing:

class { 'glassfish':
  manage_accounts => false 

This module also provides several defined types which can be used to simplify other tasks, such as creating a domain using glassfish::create_domain to create a new domain, or glassfish::create_cluster to create a new cluster.

It is also possible to use the types directly.

  jdbcconnectionpool { 'ConPool':
    ensure       => present,
    resourcetype => 'javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource',
    dsclassname  => 'oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleConnectionPoolDataSource',
    properties   => 'user=con_user:password=con_password:url=jdbc\:oracle\:thin\:@localhost\:1521\:XE',
    portbase     => '8000',
    asadminuser  => 'admin',
    user         => 'glassfish'

  jdbcresource { 'jdbc/ConPool':
    ensure         => present,
    connectionpool => 'ConPool',
    portbase       => '8000',
    target         => 'aCluster',
    asadminuser    => 'admin',
    user           => 'glassfish'


This module has primarily been developed and tested on CentOS 6. It has also been lightly tested on Debian and Ubuntu, so should support most common Linux distributions.


Thanks to the following people who have helped with this module:


If you have any features that you feel are missing or find any bugs for this module, feel free to raise an issue on Github, or even better submit a PR and I will review as soon as I can.


This module has been written to support Rspec testing of both the manifests and types/providers. In order to execute the tests, run the following from the root of the module: bundle install && bundle exec rake spec