eenblam / peekapp

peekapp is a rule-based IDS layer. Just an old class project.
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peekapp is a packet-monitoring IDS layer.



As specified in the project requirements, peekapp will detect, log, and alert on:

TODO Describe extensibility (writing custom log formatters, alert summarizers, etc.)

Installation and Basic Usage

Peekapp requires Python 2.7, and the use of a virtual environment is highly recommended. To install, unzip the archive and do the following:

cd peekapp
python install

peekapp --help will print an overview of arguments and subcommands. A logfile must be specified, and no packets will be logged without one or more blacklist files specified as options. Finally, a subcommand, either iface or pcap must be selected in order to monitor a network interface or a PCAP-format packet dump, respectively. The interface or packet dump to be analyzed is to be specified as the only argument to the selected subcommand.

To use the iface subcommand, peekapp must be run with root privileges. This makes the interface slightly cumbersome if peekapp is installed to a virtual environment or Python installation that is not normally in ROOT's Python path, but it is certainly preferable to installing peekapp via the system Python installation.


# Execute peekapp with root privileges using installed executable
sudo `which peekapp` -l out.log -d bad_domains.cfg -s sketchy_signatures.cfg iface wlan0

# Execute included script using Python install of the current (non-root) user
sudo `which python` -l out.log -d bad_domains.cfg -s sketchy_signatures.cfg iface wlan0

# Static analysis is a bit less complicated
peekapp -l out.log -i ips_that_should_be_reserved.cfg pcap oldtraffic.pcap

# Port scan detection on network interface
sudo `which peekapp` -p -l out.log iface eth0


TODO Different configuration file for each traffic type, with the exception of port scan detection

Note that arbitrary byte sequences may be used when specifying a configuration file listing payload signatures. Non-character bytes must be specified via their two-digit hex encoding, the format of which must comply with Python specification PEP 223. In short, record the two-digit hex number HH as \xHH.