eerohele / dita-ot-gradle

A Gradle plugin for running DITA Open Toolkit
Apache License 2.0
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DITA-OT Gradle Plugin

A Gradle plugin for publishing DITA documents with DITA Open Toolkit.


In your Gradle build script (build.gradle), add something like this:

plugins {
    id 'com.github.eerohele.dita-ot-gradle' version '0.7.1'

// Publish my.ditamap into the HTML5 output format.
dita {
    ditaOt '/path/to/my/dita-ot/directory'
    input 'my.ditamap'
    transtype 'html5'

Then, in the directory where you saved the file, run:

gradle dita

By default, the output appears in the build subdirectory.



To get started, see the simple example buildfile.

For more examples, see the examples directory in this repository.

You're most welcome to contribute improvements on the current set of examples or entirely new examples.

Downloading DITA Open Toolkit

You can use the Gradle Download Task to download DITA-OT and use the downloaded version in your build. See the download example for an example.


Type Option Description
String or File input The input file.
String or File output The output directory. Default: build.
String... transtype One or more formats to publish into.
String or File filter Path to DITAVAL file to use for publishing.
Boolean singleOutputDir Multiple input files ➞ single output directory. Default: false.
Boolean useAssociatedFilter For every input file, use DITAVAL file in same directory with same basename. Default: false.

Passing Ant properties to DITA-OT

To pass an Ant property to DITA-OT, use the properties block. For example:

// Give DITA-OT additional parameters.
// For a list of the parameters DITA-OT understands, see:
properties {
    property(name: 'processing-mode', value: 'strict')

If your Ant properties are paths (such as args.cssroot), you need to use absolute paths. If the path is under the same directory as build.gradle, you can use the projectDir variable:

properties {
    // Note the double quotes around the value; with single quotes,
    // the projectDir variable won't be expanded.
    property(name: 'args.cssroot', value: "${projectDir}/my/awesome/path")


The DITA-OT Gradle Plugin is licensed for use under the Apache License 2.0.