Bust Route Analysis using social networking techniques. This readme consist of how to run various code files and description of major functions. Out Project uses python3 for data processing and Gephi and Google Earth for visualization. Requirements: For Python install the packages in req.txt. These can be installed also using pip install
pip install -r req.txt
For Gephi we have used "Event Graph Layout" plugin.
The AUTODOWNLOAD.ipyb file contains step by step instruction how we downloaded the data from various websites. This file generates a csv file, Basicmodtable.csv containing route information and geographical cordinates. We use this file to extract L1 space.
The output csv file must have the following coulumn heading necessary for further processing. We have called the output table as Basicmodtable.csv.It must have "RouteNumber","Source","Destination" (all without quotes)columns required for further processing by other script files.
The output of AUTODOWNLOAD.ipyb script BasicTablemod.csv generates a CSV file which is our L Space. We will derive other spaces based on this space.
Use the script PSpace.py to generate the Pspace. Set the variable loc to the location of the CSV file in the above mentioned format.
loc = 'BasicTablemod.csv' #Replace this with your filename in the above format
This script will store the P-space graph in a networkx variable called PGraph. We run networkx's Flyod Warshall Algorithm to get the minimum hops(route changes required) to reach from one bus station to another. The minimum hops are stored in "fwnp" variable which is a numpy matrix where each row and coumn correspond to a bus station. The script finally uses fwnp matrix to plot the histogram of number of hops.
The CSVtoGEFX.pyThis takes input from CSV and edits the standard GEXF to add labels to nodes so that they can be plotted by "Event Layout" plugin in the gephi. The output of this file is a siple gexf file and the the label are read as string. So one needs to duplicate the "label" column in the "Data Explorer" Tab > "Nodes" to integer values.
The CspaceTablemaker.py script takes our BasicTablemod.csv and process it to fowm various C-space tables and save them in .csv format. Our results can be found in the Output/Cspace folder.
viz.py A quick script to visualize the the graph on network x