eeveetza / p530

MATLAB/Octave Implementation of Recommendation ITU-R P.530
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MATLAB/Octave Implementation of Recommendation ITU-R P.530

This code repository contains a MATLAB/Octave software implementation of parts of Recommendation ITU-R P.530-18 with propagation data and prediction methods required for the design of terrestrial line-of-sight systems.

The following table describes the structure of the folder ./matlab/ containing the MATLAB/Octave implementation of Recommendation ITU-R P.530.

This is a very first implementation. It has not been tested and may contain errors and bugs.

File/Folder Description
P530.m MATLAB class with methods implementing Recommendation ITU-R P.530-18
initiate_digital_maps.m MATLAB script that processes the ITU-R maps and generates the necessary functions. It needs to be run prior to using this software implementation. For details, see Integrating ITU Digital Products.
test_p530.m MATLAB script (under development) that will be used to validate the implementation of this Recommendation

Integrating ITU Digital Products

This software uses ITU digital products that are integral part of Recommendations. These products must not be reproduced or distributed without explicit written permission from the ITU.

Setup Instructions

  1. Download and extract the required maps to ./private/maps:

  2. Run the script initiate_digital_maps.m to generate the necessary functions for retrieving and interpolating data from from the maps.


Methods implemented in class P530

Function Reference Description
atmospheric_attenuation §2.1 Attenuation due to atmospheric gases using ITU-R P.676
first_fresnel_radius §2.2.1 Radius of the 1st Fresnel ellipsoid
diffraction_loss §2.2.1 Diffraction loss over average terrain
multipath_fading_single_freq §2.3.1 Percentage of time that fade depth is exceeded in the average worst month (single-frequency (or narrow-band) fading distribution at large fade depths)
multipath_fading §2.3.2 Percentage of time that (any) fade depth is exceeded in the average worst month
duct_enhancement §2.3.3 Percentage of time that enhancement is not exceeded in the average worst month
multipath_fading_single_freq_annual §2.3.4 Percentage of time that fade depth is exceeded in the average year (single-frequency (or narrow-band) fading distribution at large fade depths)
multipath_fading_annual §2.3.4 Percentage of time that (any) fade depth is exceeded in the average year
duct_enhancement_annual §2.3.4 Percentage of time that enhancement is not exceeded in the average year
pw2psw §2.3.5 Converts the percentage of time in the average worst month to a percentage of time pduring a shorter worst period of time
specific_rain_attenuation_p838 ITU-R P.838-3 Specific rain attenuation
rain_attenuation_statistics §2.4.1 Long-term statistics of rain attenuation
preliminary_test § Performs preliminary tests and decides on which method to use in combined method for rain and wet snow
preliminary_calculation § Computes preliminary values for rain and wet snow method
attenuation_multiplier § Function 1: Attenuation multiplier
path_averaged_multiplier § Function 2: Path-averaged multiplier
A2T § Function 3: Percentage time as function of rain-only attenuation
scale_rain_statistics_f §2.4.3 Scales long-term statistics of rain attenuation with frequency
XPD_outage_clear_air §4.1 Cross-polar discrimination (XPD) outage due to clear-air effects
XPD_outage_precipitation §4.2 Cross-polar discrimination (XPD) outage due to precipitation

Function Call

Required input arguments

Variable Type Units Limits Description

Optional input arguments

Variable Type Units Limits Description


Variable Type Units Description

Software Versions

The code was tested and runs on:
