eflorit / mosaic-generator

Mosaic generator using PHP, GD, MySQL
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Mosaic generator using PHP, GD, MySQL

I initially wrote this class was for my personal use. It has been designed to process a large amount of pictures, and generate a mosaic of a specific photo. I have used this script to generate very high quality mosaics, that were printed out as posters. Processing time can take a while, but it's worth it!

A MySQL database is needed to store thumbnail information (especially if you have thousands of pictures).

This is what an outpout looks like:


256 rows and 256 columns. 10.000 pictures were used


  1. Make sure you have PHP 5, GD and MySQL installed.

  2. Create the appropriate database setup

    CREATE DATABASE `mosaic`;

    USE `mosaic`;

    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `thumbnails` (
      `filename` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
      `red` smallint(6) NOT NULL,
      `green` smallint(6) NOT NULL,
      `blue` smallint(6) NOT NULL
  1. Copy as many different pictures as you can to ./photos (at least a few hundreds)

  2. Modify variables from Mosaic.php to your needs (especially database info)


From command line:

$ ./cl-script.php --input {filename} --rows {int} --columns {int} [--thumbs]

--input                  path to the original picture that shall be recreated
--rows                   number of thumbnails to create per row
--columns                number of thumbnails to create per column
--no-thumbs (optional)   won't (re)generate thumbnails before creating mosaic.

...Directly from class:

    $ouput_filename = new Mosaic(string $input_filename, int $rows, int $columns [, bool $gen_thumbs = true ] );


You may need to tweak your php config and increase max_execution_time and/or memory_limit if you're not using cl-script.php.