egaffo / circompara2

Improved bioinformatic pipeline to identify and quantify circRNA expression from RNA-seq data by combining multiple circRNA detection methods
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Title: CirComPara2
Subtitle: CircRNA detection from RNA-seq data using multiple methods
Project: CirComPara2
Author: Enrico Gaffo
Affiliation: Compgen - University of Padova
Date: January 20, 2021
output: html_document: toc: yes number_sections: no


CirComPara2 is a computational pipeline to detect, quantify, and correlate expression of linear and circular RNAs from RNA-seq data that combines multiple circRNA-detection methods.

Quick install

Execute the following commands to download and install (locally) in your system the scripts and tools required to run circompara2. If something goes wrong with the installation process try to manually install each software listed below.

Required software before installation

You'll need some libraries and software installed in your system before starting the circompara2 installation. In a fresh Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal) you need to install the following packages by running:

sudo apt install git python2.7 wget unzip pkg-config default-jre r-base-core libcurl4-openssl-dev libxml2-dev libssl-dev curl pigz python-is-python2 python-dev-is-python2

Virtual environment

Because not all software integrated in circompara2 runs on Python3, circompara2 still uses python2.7. If you system default is Python3, then you might want to consider installing and running circompara2 under a virtual environment, such as one generated with virtualenv:

virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2.7 p2.7venv
## activate the virtual environment
source p2.7venv/bin/activate

Now you can proceed with the installation (or lanch circompara2 if you have already installed it).

Installation commands

Download and extract the latest release of CirComPara, or clone the GIT repository, enter circompara2 directory and run the automatic installer script:

git clone
cd circompara2
## make a link to the circompara2 main script into the main directory
ln -s src/utils/bash/circompara circompara2

Test your installation

cd test_circompara/analysis

If you plan to use single-end reads, test with:

cd test_circompara/analysis_se

Add circompara2 to your environment

Once completed the installation, if you do not want to type the whole path to the circompara2 executable each time, you can update your PATH environment variable. From the terminal type the following command (replace the /path/to/circompara2/install/dir string with circompara2's actual path)

export PATH=/path/to/circompara2/install/dir:$PATH

Another way is to link circompara2's main script in your local bin directory

cd /home/user/bin
ln -s /path/to/circompara2/install/dir/circompara2

Alternative installation: the circompara2 Docker image

A Docker image of CirComPara2 is available from DockerHub in case you are struggling with the installation. The Docker image saves you from the installation burden, just pull the image:

docker pull egaffo/circompara2:v0.1.2.1

How to use

Set your analysis project

This section shows how to set your project directory and run the analysis. To run an analysis usually you want to specify your data (the sequenced reads in FASTQ format) and a reference genome in FASTA format.

Compose META file

You have to specify read files and sample names in a metadata table file. The file format is a comma separated text file with the following header line:


Then, each row corresponds to a read file. If you have paired-end sequenced samples write one line per file with the same sample name.

An example of the metadata table:

file sample
/path/to/reads_S1_1.fq S1
/path/to/reads_S1_2.fq S1
/path/to/reads_S2_1.fq S2
/path/to/reads_S2_1.fq S2

and metadata file content:


In the meta file you can also specify the adapter sequences to preprocess the reads, just add an adapter column with the adpter file.

file sample adapter
/path/to/reads_S1_1.fq S1 /path/to/adapter.fa
/path/to/reads_S1_2.fq S1 /path/to/adapter.fa

Specify the reference genome file

A required parameter is the reference genome. You can either pass the reference genome from the command line

./circompara2 "GENOME_FASTA='/home/user/genomes/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.fa'"

or by setting the GENOME_FASTA parameter in the file; e.g.:

GENOME_FASTA = '/home/user/genomes/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.fa'

Specify options in

Although parameters can be set from command line (sorrounded by quotes), you can set them in the file, which must be placed into the directory where circompara2 is called.
Below there is the full list of the parameters.


META: The metadata table file where you specify the project samples, etc.
    default: meta.csv

ANNOTATION: Gene annotation file (like Ensembl GTF/GFF)

GENOME_FASTA: The FASTA file with the reference genome

CIRCRNA_METHODS: Comma separated list of circRNA detection methods to use. Repeated values will be collapsed into unique values. Currently supported: ciri, dcc, circrna_finder, find_circ, circexplorer2_star, circexplorer2_bwa, circexplorer2_tophat, circexplorer2_segemehl, testrealign (a.k.a. Segemehl). Set an empty string to use all methods available (including deprecated methods). 
    default: ciri,find_circ,circexplorer2_star,circexplorer2_bwa,circexplorer2_segemehl,circexplorer2_tophat,dcc

CPUS: Set number of CPUs
    default: 1

GENEPRED: The genome annotation in GenePred format

GENOME_INDEX: The index of the reference genome for HISAT2

SEGEMEHL_INDEX: The .idx index for segemehl

BWA_INDEX: The index of the reference genome for BWA

BOWTIE2_INDEX: The index of the reference genome for BOWTIE2

STAR_INDEX: The directory path where to find Star genome index

BOWTIE_INDEX: The index of the reference genome for BOWTIE when using CIRCexplorer2_tophat

HISAT2_EXTRA_PARAMS: Extra parameters to add to the HISAT2 aligner fixed parameters '--dta --dta-cufflinks --rg-id <SAMPLE> --no-discordant --no-mixed --no-overlap'. For instance, '--rna-strandness FR' if stranded reads are used.
    default: --seed 123

BWA_PARAMS: Extra parameters for BWA
    default: -T 19

    default: -D 0

TOPHAT_PARAMS: Extra parameters to pass to TopHat

STAR_PARAMS: Extra parameters to pass to STAR
    default: --runRNGseed 123 --outSJfilterOverhangMin 15 15 15 15 --alignSJoverhangMin 15 --alignSJDBoverhangMin 15 --seedSearchStartLmax 30 --outFilterScoreMin 1 --outFilterMatchNmin 1 --outFilterMismatchNmax 2 --chimSegmentMin 15 --chimScoreMin 15 --chimScoreSeparation 10 --chimJunctionOverhangMin 15

BOWTIE2_PARAMS: Extra parameters to pass to Bowtie2 in addition to -p $CPUS --reorder --score-min=C,-15,0 -q
    default: --seed 123

STRINGTIE_PARAMS: Stringtie extra parameters. F.i. '--rf' assumes a stranded library fr-firststrand, to be used if dUTPs stranded library were sequenced  

CIRI_EXTRA_PARAMS: CIRI additional parameters

DCC_EXTRA_PARAMS: DCC additional parameters
    default: -fg -M -F -Nr 1 1 -N

CE2_PARAMS: Parameters to pass to CIRCexplorer2 annotate

TESTREALIGN_PARAMS: Segemehl/testrealign filtering parameters-q indicates the minimum median quality of backsplices ends (like the Haarz parameter)
    default: -q median_1

FINDCIRC_EXTRA_PARAMS: Parameters for Additional parameters: --best-qual INT is used to filter find_circ results according to best_qual_left and best_qual_right fields >= INT. Default: INT = 40. --filter-tags TAG is used to filter lines of output (sites.bed). Repeat it if multiple consecutive filter tags has to be applied.
    default: --best-qual 40 --filter-tags UNAMBIGUOUS_BP --filter-tags ANCHOR_UNIQUE

CFINDER_EXTRA_PARAMS: Parameters for CircRNA_finder 

PREPROCESSOR: The read preprocessing tool to use. Currently, only "trimmomatic" is supported.Leave empty for no read preprocessing.

PREPROCESSOR_PARAMS: Read preprocessor extra parameters. F.i. if Trimmomatic, an empty string defaults to MAXINFO:40:0.5 LEADING:20 TRAILING:20 SLIDINGWINDOW:4:30 MINLEN:50 AVGQUAL:30 

LINEAR_EXPRESSION_METHODS: The method to be used for the linear expression estimates/transcriptome reconstruction. To run more methods use a comma separated list. However, only the first method in the list will be used in downstream processing. Currently supported methods: stringtie,cufflinks,htseq.  
    default: stringtie  

TOGGLE_TRANSCRIPTOME_RECONSTRUCTION: Set True to enable transcriptome reconstruction. Default only quantifies genes and transcripts from the given annotation GTF file
    default: False

READSTAT_METHODS: Comma separated list of methods to use for read statistics. Currently supported: fastqc
    default: fastqc

MIN_METHODS: Number of methods that commmonly detect a circRNA to define the circRNA as reliable. If this value exceeds the number of methods specified, it will be set to the number of methods.
    default: 2

MIN_READS: Number of reads to consider a circRNA as expressed
    default: 2

BYPASS: Skip analysis of linear/circular transcripts. This will also skip the analysis of linear-to-circular expression correlation. The circular analysis includes the pre-filtering of linearly mapping reads. If you want to analyze reads already filtered for linear mappings you should set "linear,linmap". Choose among linear and or linmap, circular. NB: you still have to set the --rna-strandness parameter into the HISAT_EXTRA_PARAMS if you have stranded alignments/reads.

LINMAPS: You can specify here the path to pre-computed files of linearly aligned reads. This will skip read pre-processing and linear alignments (use jointly to BYPASS linmap to get also circular-to-linear analysis). Mind that the alignments must be in BAM format and the .bai mapping file index file must be in the same directory. NB: you still have to set the --rna-strandness parameter into the HISAT_EXTRA_PARAMS if you have stranded alignments/reads. You need to set a Python dict-like string parameter with sampleName and the corresponding BAM file. E.g: {"SAMPLE1": "sample1/hisat2.bam", "SAMPLE2": "sample2/hisat2.bam"}. N.B: all samples in the meta.csv must have a BAM file listed in LINMAPS.
    default: None

CIRC_MAPPING: By default (SE), linearly unmapped reads arealigned as single-end reads to search for circRNA backsplices. Set PE to align as paired-end reads by each circRNA method aligner. You can also specify each aligner's mode, or just which aligner has to use the PE mode,  with the syntax for Python dictionaries {'SE':['ALN1','ALN2'],'PE':['ALN3','ALN4','ALNn']} or simply {'PE':['ALN1','ALN2']} if you want just ALN1 and ALN2 tu align as PE. Supported aligners are BWA,SEGEMEHL,STAR and TOPHAT. BOWTIE2 is also supported but it is run only in single-end mode as it serves only Findcirc.
    default: {'SE':['STAR','TOPHAT','BOWTIE2'],'PE':['BWA','SEGEMEHL']}

LIN_COUNTER: The method to estimate circRNA-host gene linear expression. Available are using the DCC [dcc], or the CirComPara [ccp] method.
    default: ccp

FIX_READ_HEADER: Trim FASTQ headers to the read ids. Recommended when processing SRA datasets.
    default: True

UNSTRANDED_CIRCS: Force unstranded circRNAs even if stranded library was used
    default: False

SAM_SORT_MM: Value for samtools sort -m option
    default: 768M

QRE_FIND: (Experimental) Set True to toggle analysis of QKI response elements sequences
    default: False

CCP_COUNTS: Set the strategy to estimate circRNA expression.
    default: UN

Run the analysis

To trigger the analyses you simply have to call the ./circompara2 script in the analysis directory. Remember that if you used the option file, this has to be in the analysis directory.

cd /path/to/circrna_analysis

Additional options from the Scons engine:

/path/to/circompara2/dir/circompara2 -h
/path/to/circompara2/dir/circompara2 -n | less -SR
/path/to/circompara2/dir/circompara2 -j4
/path/to/circompara2/dir/circompara2 -i
/path/to/circompara2/dir/circompara2 "-j4 -i"

Output files

Run from the Docker image

To run circompara2 from the Docker container

docker run -u `id -u` --rm -it -v $(pwd):/data egaffo/circompara2:v0.1.2.1

When using the Docker image, the paths in meta.csv and must be relative to the directory in the container where the volumes were mounted. (e.g. /data in the previous command example). You can mount different directories in different volumes by multiple -v instances. For instance, by issuing the following command

docker run -u `id -u` --rm -it -v /path/to/reads:/reads -v /path/to/annotation:/annotation egaffo/circompara2:v0.1.2.1

the meta.csv and files will be as follows:



Note that circompara2 is installled in the /circompara2 directory in the container, so you need that path to reach the installed tools' files (e.g. the Trimmomatic adapter files).

META            = "meta.csv"
GENOME_FASTA    = '/annotation/CFLAR_HIPK3.fa'
ANNOTATION      = '/annotation/CFLAR_HIPK3.gtf' 

File owner using the Docker image

If you want the container to give your user permissions you need to set the owner id with "-u `id -u`"

docker run -u `id -u` --rm -it -v /path/to/reads:/reads -v /path/to/annotation:/annotation egaffo/circompara2:v0.1.2.1

Advanced features

Make genome indexes for multiple instances of circompara2: the make_indexes utility

Building the genome indexes for each mapper can take lot of computing time. However, the same indexes can be used in different circompara2 runs, saving time and disk space. In circompara2's package the src/utils/bash/make_indexes script can be used to automatically build the genome index (and gene annotation formats) for each of the supported read aligner, and save them into a directory. In addition, it gives the parameter values to be set to use the index files to be shared.
Example commands using the test data follows:

cd test_circompara
mkdir genome_indexes
cd genome_indexes
../../src/utils/bash/make_indexes "-j2 GENOME=../annotation/CFLAR_HIPK3.fa ANNOTATION=../annotation/CFLAR_HIPK3.gtf" 

The above commands will eventually generate a file that can be appended to the file of your project so that circompara2 will skip the building of genome indexes. Note that make_indexes can use the same options provided by Scons showed above: -j 2 option will allow the script to build two indexes in parallel.

cd test_circompara
## clear circompara2 files in the test directory
cd analysis
../../circompara2 -c
cd ..
## overwrite the file omitting the genome and annotation parameters
grep -v "GENOME\|ANNOTATION" > analysis/
## append the parameters for the genome, the annotation and the genome indexes
## generated by the make_indexes utility
cat genome_indexes/ >> analysis/
## run the test analysis
cd analysis

Stranded libraries

Some tools in circompara2 require special parameters to handle properly stranded reads. circompara2 allows to specify such parameters Example: include the following parameters if you used the Illumina TruSeq Stranded Total RNA Library Prep Kit with Ribo-Zero Human/Mouse/Rat

HISAT2_EXTRA_PARAMS = "--rna-strandness RF"


Software dependencies

Software Website Version
Scons 3.1.2
Trimmomatic 0.39
FASTQC 0.11.9
HISAT2 2.1.0
STAR 2.6.1e
BWA 0.7.15-r1140
Bowtie2 2.4.1
Bowtie 1.1.2
TopHat 2.1.0
Segemehl 0.3.4
CIRI 2.0.6
CIRCexplorer2 2.3.8
find_circ 1.2
BEDtools 2.29.2
Samtools 1.10

Errors with R packages

If you get error messages from R packages of your already installed circompara2, maybe some update occurred in your R system. Try to re-install all circompara2 R package dependencies by using the reinstall_R_pkgs command from the src/utils/bash directory.

Alternative workflow pipelines

With circompara2 you can chose to run either the circRNA, the linear genes (i.e. a traditional gene expression pipeline), or both branches of the pipeline (the default) by specifying with the BYPASS parameter which branch has to be skipped. Moreover, the BYPASS parameter can be set to "linear,linmap" if you already have the alignment files in BAM format and don't want to/can't/don't need to preprocess the raw reads. Then, circompara2 will extract the unaligned reads to search circRNAs from the BAM files listed in the LINMAPS parameter and use the BAM files to compute the CLPs.

How to cite

If you used CirComPara2 for your analysis, please add the following citation to your references:

Enrico Gaffo, Alessia Buratin, Anna Dal Molin, Stefania Bortoluzzi, Sensitive, reliable and robust circRNA detection from RNA-seq with CirComPara2, Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2021;, bbab418,