** Usage
CL-USER> (ql:quickload :tesseract-capi) To load "tesseract-capi": Load 1 ASDF system: tesseract-capi ; Loading "tesseract-capi" ... (:TESSERACT-CAPI) CL-USER> (tesseract-capi:tessversion) "5.0.0-alpha-647-g4a00"
** Installation Preferred way of installing tesseract-capi is by using Ultralisp.org distribution.
;; install Ultralisp if you haven't done it yet (ql-dist:install-dist "http://dist.ultralisp.org/" :prompt nil)
;; install the wrapper code (ql:quickload :tesseract-capi)
(let ((tesseract-capi:tessdata-directory "path/to/tessdata")) (tesseract-capi:image-to-text "tests/data/fox.png"))
"This is a lot of 12 point text to test the ocr code and see if it works on all types of fle format
The quick brown dog jumped over the lazy fox. The quick brown dog jumped over the lazy fox. The quick brown dog jumped over the lazy fox. The quick brown dog jumped over the lazy fox "
** Author
** Credits
** Copyright
2020 Nikolai Matiushev 2015 Edward Geist (egeist@stanford.edu) ** License
Licensed under the MIT License.