egasimus / xmonad-equalspacing

A layout modifier that makes window-window spacing equal to window-edge spacing.
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Equal spacing for xmonad

Layout modifier for xmonad which aims to be at least a little bit nicer than what's commonly available.

Rationale and features

The humble author was endlessly annoyed by having the space between two windows be twice as wide as the space between a window and the screen edge. Therefore, the simple technique of shrinking the windows from one corner and the screen from the opposite one was implemented, providing pleasantly equal spacing.

The humble author was also endlessly annoyed by not being able to change spacing on the fly. Therefore, a Message was added to control that via hotkeys.

Having eventually constructed this module, the humble author was then endlessly annoyed by how big his preferred borders ended up being. Therefore, he made his borders automatically shrink based on number of windows.


Put EqualSpacing.hs somewhere under ~/.xmonad/lib/ and then import it accordingly in your xmonad.hs.

For example, ~/.xmonad/lib/XMonad/Layout/EqualSpacing.hs can be imported with import XMonad.Layout.EqualSpacing.


A minimal configuration should be along these lines:

import XMonad
import XMonad.Util.EZConfig(additionalKeysP)

import XMonad.Layout.EqualSpacing

main = xmonad $ defaultConfig
    { layoutHook = equalSpacing 36 6 0 1 $ layoutHook defaultConfig
    } `additionalKeysP` [ ("M-[", sendMessage $ LessSpacing)
                        , ("M-]", sendMessage $ MoreSpacing) ]

Of course the humble author hasn't bothered to test that, but you are a smart person and should be able to figure it out, right?


equalSpacing gap add mult min

EqualSpacingMsg = MoreSpacing | LessSpacing Increments/decrements border size by a pixel. TODO parameterized message.


Use this with !

I am not smart

Please note that this spacing is not 'smart', meaning that it does not exhibit XMonad.Layout.Spacing.smartSpacing's behavior of not adding any spacing when there's only one window open on the current workspace.