eh3rrera / chatkit-custom-auth-server

Custom authentication server in Java for Pusher Chatkit
MIT License
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Chatkit Custom Authorization Server

Custom authorization server made in Java for chats build with Chatkit. The server bootstrap an embedded LDAP server where the user information is stored. Follow the tutorial here.

Getting Started

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Create a Chatkit instance.
  3. In the Chatkit dashboard of your instance, in the Instance Inspector section, create one or two users with the same sn of the users registered in the file src/main/resources/schema.ldif, (eh and eh2 by default) and one chat room.
  4. Enter your Instance Locator ID and your complete Secret Key (find them in the Credentials section of your Chatkit instance dashboard) at the top of the file src/main/java/com/example/authserver/
  5. In a terminal window, execute mvnw spring-boot:run to run the server or in an IDE, execute the main class of the application (
  6. You can use a REST client (like Postman) to test the authentication endpoint using the following information:
    URL: http://localhost:8080/authenticate?user_id=eh&passw=12345 (specify your own user credentials if you changed them)
    HTPP method: POST

Or test the server using the sample chat from


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