Closed NormanWeinert closed 3 years ago
@SevKohler @birgerhaarbrandt was generated with an old version of the sdk.
If you regenerate with the sdk dev version then
private String ergebnisStatusValue;
will be replaced by
private List
which should be handle correctly
Configuration information
EHRbase version: "0.16.5", openEHR_SDK version: "39cb1fd", Archie version: "5a4a9442e5e2516aed5f25636ac236682aace7b9", PostgreSQL version: "PostgreSQL 13.2, compiled by Visual C++ build 1914, 64-bit" Java Runtime version: "AdoptOpenJDK 11.0.11+9", Operating System version: "Windows 10 amd64 10.0",
Steps to reproduce
The Virologischer-Befund template requires the value "Ergebnis-Status" in "Pro Analyt Cluster" of "Labortest-Panel". When the java composition is sent to ehrbase the mentioned value is not transferred and it is also not present in the JSON mapping file. When the value is completely taken out the verifier does not even recognise that it is missing even though the value should be required.
Link to the Virologischer-Befund template:
The resulting Composition (value "Ergebnis-Status" in "Pro Analyt" of "Labortest-Panel" is missing):