At the moment, Iso8601_duration is not fully supported at Archie level:
(extract from ehrbase/ehrbase#294)
The parsing of a DvDuration depends on its prefix and then is serviced by the JAVA api as follows:
"PT": Duration: 'A time-based amount of time, such as '34.5 seconds' see
"": Period: "A date-based amount of time in the ISO-8601 calendar system, such as '2 years, 3 months and 4 days'' see
F.e. the expression: P12DT23H51M59S fails to be parsed (as a Period), however, an invocation of Java Duration returns a TemporalAmount as expected.
Steps to reproduce
At the moment, Iso8601_duration is not fully supported at Archie level:
(extract from ehrbase/ehrbase#294)
The parsing of a DvDuration depends on its prefix and then is serviced by the JAVA api as follows:
F.e. the expression: P12DT23H51M59S fails to be parsed (as a Period), however, an invocation of Java Duration returns a TemporalAmount as expected.
Expected result
Iso8601_duration should be fully supported as specified in