eidam / cf-workers-status-page

Monitor your websites, showcase status including daily history, and get Slack/Telegram/Discord notification whenever your website status changes. Using Cloudflare Workers, CRON Triggers, and KV storage.
MIT License
2.19k stars 1.33k forks source link
cloudflare-workers cloudflare-workers-cron cloudflare-workers-kv discord flareact monitoring slack-notifications status-page telegram-notification wrangler

Cloudflare Worker - Status Page

Monitor your websites, showcase status including daily history, and get Slack notification whenever your website status changes. Using Cloudflare Workers, CRON Triggers, and KV storage. Check my status page out! 🚀

Status Page

Slack notifications


You'll need a Cloudflare Workers account with

Also, prepare the following secrets

Getting started

You can either deploy with Cloudflare Deploy Button using GitHub Actions or deploy on your own.

Deploy with Cloudflare Deploy Button

Deploy to Cloudflare Workers

  1. Click the button and follow the instructions, you should end up with a clone of this repository

  2. Navigate to your new GitHub repository > Settings > Secrets and add the following secrets:

    - Name: CF_API_TOKEN (should be added automatically)
    - Name: CF_ACCOUNT_ID (should be added automatically)
    - Name: SECRET_SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL (optional)
    - Value: your-slack-webhook-url
    - Name: SECRET_DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL (optional)
    - Value: your-discord-webhook-url
  3. Navigate to the Actions settings in your repository and enable them

  4. Edit config.yaml to adjust configuration and list all of your websites/APIs you want to monitor

     title: 'Status Page'
     url: 'https://status-page.eidam.dev' # used for Slack & Discord messages
     logo: logo-192x192.png # image in ./public/ folder
     daysInHistogram: 90 # number of days you want to display in histogram
     collectResponseTimes: false # experimental feature, enable only for <5 monitors or on paid plans
     # configurable texts across the status page
     allmonitorsOperational: 'All Systems Operational'
     notAllmonitorsOperational: 'Not All Systems Operational'
     monitorLabelOperational: 'Operational'
     monitorLabelNotOperational: 'Not Operational'
     monitorLabelNoData: 'No data'
     dayInHistogramNoData: 'No data'
     dayInHistogramOperational: 'All good'
     dayInHistogramNotOperational: 'Some checks failed'
    # list of monitors
     - id: workers-cloudflare-com # unique identifier
       name: workers.cloudflare.com
       description: 'You write code. They handle the rest.' # default=empty
       url: 'https://workers.cloudflare.com/' # URL to fetch
       method: GET # default=GET
       expectStatus: 200 # operational status, default=200
       followRedirect: false # should fetch follow redirects, default=false
       linkable: false # should the titles be links to the service, default=true
  5. Push to main branch to trigger the deployment

  6. 🎉

  7. (optional) Go to Cloudflare Workers settings and assign custom domain/route

    • e.g. status-page.eidam.dev/* (make sure you include /* as the Worker also serve static files)
  8. (optional) Edit wrangler.toml to adjust Worker settings or CRON Trigger schedule, especially if you are on Workers Free plan

Telegram notifications

To enable telegram notifications, you'll need to take a few additional steps.

  1. Create a new Bot
  2. Set the api token you received when creating the bot as content of the SECRET_TELEGRAM_API_TOKEN secret in your github repository.
  3. Send a message to the bot from the telegram account which should receive the alerts (Something more than /start)
  4. Get the chat id with curl https://api.telegram.org/bot<YOUR TELEGRAM API TOKEN>/getUpdates | jq '.result[0] .message .chat .id'
  5. Set the retrieved chat id in the SECRET_TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID secret variable
  6. Redeploy the status page using the github action

Deploy on your own

You can clone the repository yourself and use Wrangler CLI to develop/deploy, extra list of things you need to take care of:

Workers KV free tier

The Workers Free plan includes limited KV usage, but the quota is sufficient for 2-minute checks only

Known issues

Future plans

WIP - Support for Durable Objects - Cloudflare's product for low-latency coordination and consistent storage for the Workers platform. There is a working prototype, however, we are waiting for at least open beta.

There is also a managed version of this project, currently in beta. Feel free to check it out https://statusflare.com (https://twitter.com/statusflare_com).

Running project locally


Steps to get server up and running

Install wrangler

npm i -g wrangler

Login With Wrangler to Cloudflare

wrangler login

Create your KV namespace in cloudflare

On the workers page navigate to KV, and create a namespace

Update your wrangler.toml with

kv-namespaces = [{binding="KV_STATUS_PAGE", id="<KV_ID>", preview_id="<KV_ID>"}]

_Note: you may need to change kv-namespaces to kv_namespaces_

Install packages

yarn install

Create CSS

yarn run css


yarn run dev

Note: If the styles do not come through try using localhost:8787 instead of localhost:8080