eideehi / valheim-automatics

[Valheim] Mods that automate a variety of tasks
MIT License
8 stars 4 forks source link

= Automatics - Valheim Mod :version: 1.5.1 :box: https://app.box.com/shared/static :repositry: https://github.com/eideehi/valheim-automatics :uri-base: {repositry}/blob/{version}/ :uri-custom-icon-pack-doc: {uri-base}docs/custom-icon-pack.adoc :uri-custom-icon-pack-image: {box}/ggj61oyrdik1jk08lohdqr91e1q5isqv.png :uri-bug-report: {repositry}/issues :uri-bug-report-image: {box}/g2v3vbju4jazq7kycoigp60ltki2kw8i.png :uri-discord: https://discord.gg/DDQqxkK7s6 :uri-discord-image: {box}/0s09ti60hvyyp5k98xyrnkfp683mrt9r.png :uri-config-menu-thumbnail: {box}/3v57rjpauzzyv0xeugohnw8bn2ye3q2h.png :uri-config-menu-image: {box}/vfzsn69i950l48er2u69tssod6xxsh8u.jpg :uri-add-user-defined-object-doc: {uri-base}docs/add-user-defined-object.adoc :uri-add-user-defined-object-image: {box}/5f6dvpg1elczu9froqkepxamv03ci9cd.png :configuration-manager: https://github.com/BepInEx/BepInEx.ConfigurationManager[Configuration Manager] :litjson: https://litjson.net[LitJSON] :ndesk-options: http://ndesk.org/Options[NDesk.Options] :license: {uri-base}LICENSE[LICENSE] :doc-config: {uri-base}CONFIG.adoc[CONFIG.adoc]

Automatics is a mod that automates the tedious tasks of life in Valheim. Most of its features exist in existing mods, but it has been re-designed to make it easier for me to use.


== Features [TIP] Each of the features described below can be completely disabled using the "Disable Module" option in the configuration.

=== Automatic door Automatically opens and closes the door near the player. The interval and distance to detect the player can be changed from the configuration.

=== Automatic mapping Automatic pinning animals, monsters, floras, veins, dungeons, etc. that exist around the player to the map. The pinning allows for each object and the detection range of the object can be changed from the config.

==== Custom icon pack: + You can also define your own icons in png and json files. See {uri-custom-icon-pack-doc}[docs/custom-icon-pack.adoc] for custom icon pack specifications.

image:{uri-custom-icon-pack-image}[link={uri-custom-icon-pack-doc},title="Open document about custom map icon"]

=== Automatic processing Refueling pieces that need fuel. Deliver materials to pieces that process materials, and store items produced by pieces. These tasks can be automated via containers around the piece.

=== Automatic feeding Modifies tamable creatures so that they can eat food from containers and the player's inventory, not just items on the ground.

=== Automatic repair It can automatically repair items when the player is near a crafting station or when the crafting station GUI is opened or automatically repair nearby pieces when the player has a hammer equipped.

=== Automatic mining Automatically mines minerals in the player's surroundings. You can also add a shortcut key that allows you to mine at any time.

=== Automatic pickup Automatically pick up items around the player. You can also add a shortcut key that searches the surroundings for the same items as the interacted item and pick up them all.

== Console commands Automatics add a few commands to help the user.

=== automatics Usage: automatics (OPTIONS...)

Displays the usage of commands added by Automatics.

==== OPTIONS |=== | -i, --include=VALUE | Show only commands whose names include the word specified in this option. | -e, --exclude=VALUE | Exclude commands whose names contain the word specified with this option. | -v, --verbose | Displays detailed usage of the command. | -h, --help | Displays a help message and exits the command. |===

=== printnames Usage: printnames (OPTIONS...) (WORD|REGEXP)...

Outputs internal or display names that contain the specified string or match the specified regular expression. If multiple arguments are specified, only those matching all of them will be output.

==== WORD A text contained in the internal or display name. (e.g. $enemy_, $item_, $piece_, Boar, Mushroom, Wood door); All partially matching internal and display names are output.

==== REGEXP A regular expression of the internal or display name to be output. Must be prefixed with r/ (e.g. r/^[$]item_, r/^boar$)

==== OPTIONS |=== | -h, --help | Displays a help message and exits the command. |===

==== Examples

=== printobjects Usage: printobjects [TYPE] (OPTIONS...)

Display objects that can be handled by Automatics in the nearby.

[NOTE] The result of this command may show objects that you feel are not of the target type. For example, a Flint appear in the Flora search. This is not a bug but means that Automatics can treat Flint as Flora.

==== TYPE Type of object to be displayed. Specify one of the following: animal, container, door, dungeon, flora, mineral, monster, spawner, spot, vehicle, other.

==== OPTIONS |=== | -r, --radius=VALUE | Specify the range within which the object is to be searched. [Default: 32] (Unit: Meters) | -n, --number=VALUE | Specify how many objects matching the condition are to be displayed. [Default: 4] | -i, --include=VALUE | Show only objects whose internal or display names match the word specified in this option. It works as a regular expression by concatenating r/ at the beginning of the string. | -e, --exclude=VALUE | Exclude objects whose internal names or display names match the word specified with this option. It works as a regular expression by concatenating r/ at the beginning of the string. | -h, --help | Displays a help message and exits the command. |===

=== removemappins Usage: removemappins (OPTIONS...)

Remove map pins that match the specified conditions. If no options are specified, all duplicate pins will be deleted.

NOTE: Please disable the "Automatic Mapping" feature before using this command. It may cause malfunctions.

==== OPTIONS |=== | -r, --radius=VALUE | Specify the maximum distance from the player's position to the pin to be removed. If set to 0, all pins will be targeted. [Default: 0] (Unit: meters) | -i, --include=VALUE | Pins that contain the specified string in their name will be targeted for deletion. | -e, --exclude=VALUE | Pins that contain the specified string in their name will be excluded from the deletion target. | -n, --dry-run | Enables the dry run mode. When this option is specified, pin deletion will be skipped, and only text output to the console will be performed. | -d, --dangerous-mode | When this option is specified, non-duplicate pins will also be included in the deletion target. Please use this option with caution, as incorrect usage can result in the deletion of all pins on the map. | -h, --help | Displays a help message and exits the command. |===

== Configurations I recommend using {configuration-manager}.

image:{uri-config-menu-thumbnail}[link={uri-config-menu-image},title="Configuration Menu (Click to view full size)"]

The README would be too large if we described all the details of the configuration, so we split it into separate file.

Open {doc-config} to see the configuration details.

=== Adding object definitions to Automatics You can use the {configuration-manager} to define objects that you want Automatics to work with.

image:{uri-add-user-defined-object-image}[link={uri-add-user-defined-object-doc},title="User-defined objects in GUI"]

Open {uri-add-user-defined-object-doc}[docs/add-user-defined-object.adoc] to learn more about adding user-defined objects.

== Supplementary explanation === Matching by "Display name" and "Internal name" In some features of Automatics, there is an option that allows the user to add targets as needed. The "Display name" and "Internal name" are used to identify these targets. The display name and internal name are matched according to different rules.

==== Display name Display names are the names that appear in the game, such as Boar, Deer, Dandelion, etc. The matching rule for "Display name" is a partial match, meaning that if the target display name contains the specified string, it matches. It is case-insensitive.

==== Internal name Internal names are the names used inside the game program, such as $enemy_boar, $enemy_deer, $item_dandelion, etc. The matching rule for "Internal name" is an exact match, meaning that if the target internal name is identical to the specified string, it matches. It is case-insensitive. Note that internal names for translations added by Automatics are prefixed with @, not $, as in @internal_name

===== Matching Samples .Target data [%header] |=== | Display name | Internal name | Greyling | $enemy_greyling | Greydwarf | $enemy_greydwarf | Surtling | $enemy_surtling |===

.Matching result [%header] |=== | | Grey | ling | $enemy_greyling | $enemygreydwarf | $enemy | Greyling | Match | Match | Match | No match | No match | Greydwarf | Match | No match | No match | Match | No match | Surtling | No match | Match | No match | No match | No match |===

== Languages [%header] |=== | Language | Translators | Status | English | Translation Tools | 100% | Japanese | EideeHi | 100% |===

== Contacts image::{uri-bug-report-image}[link={uri-bug-report},alt="Bug report on Issues"] Only bug reports are accepted under Issues.

image::{uri-discord-image}[link={uri-discord},alt="eidee.net - Discord Server"] Questions, suggestions and comments are welcome on the Discord Server.

== Credits

== License Automatics is developed and released under the MIT license. For the full text of the license, please see the {license} file.