eirslett / mediasoup-client-native-cpp

An attempt at a native C++ client library for MediaSoup
MIT License
21 stars 5 forks source link

Warning: This code is just experimental stuff, you probably won't get it to work.

MediaSoup - native client

This project is a native C++ client for MediaSoup. It is still a work in progress.


1) You need libwebrtc, you can download an installer here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B398g_p42xgrbUF3VjlFNnNxb3M 2) Boost, version 1.66 or higher is needed. 3) OpenSSL 4) libsdptransform, install directions are here: https://github.com/ibc/libsdptransform

Instructions for MacOS build

Requirements: Install CMake, Xcode, and the dependencies listed above.

To build: cd into the project; mkdir build, cd build, cmake .., and then make.

You should get an executable file in build/example.