eisman / neo4jd3

Neo4j graph visualization using D3.js
MIT License
1.37k stars 422 forks source link
d3 d3js graph-visualization neo4j


Neo4j graph visualization using D3.js.




First of all, make sure you have ruby and sass gem installed. Then, clone the repository, install all dependencies, build and serve the project.

> gem install sass
> git clone https://github.com/eisman/neo4jd3.git
> npm install
> gulp

Open http://localhost:8080 in your favorite browser.


var neo4jd3 = new Neo4jd3('.selector', options);


Parameter Type Description
highlight array Highlight several nodes of the graph.
        class: 'Project',
        property: 'name',
        value: 'neo4jd3'
icons object Map node labels to Font Awesome icons.
    'BirthDate': 'birthday-cake',
    'Password': 'lock',
    'Phone': 'phone',
    'User': 'user'
images object Map node labels to SVG images (e.g. using Twitter Emoji).
    'Address': 'img/twemoji/1f3e0.svg',
    'BirthDate': 'img/twemoji/1f382.svg',
    'Password': 'img/twemoji/1f511.svg',
    'Project': 'img/twemoji/2198.svg',
    'Project\|name\|neo4jd3': 'img/twemoji/2196.svg',
    'User': 'img/twemoji/1f600.svg'
infoPanel boolean Show the information panel: true, false. Default: true.
minCollision int Minimum distance between nodes. Default: 2 nodeRadius*.
neo4jData object Graph data in Neo4j data format.
neo4jDataUrl string URL of the endpoint that serves the graph data in Neo4j data format.
nodeRadius int Radius of nodes. Default: 25.
onNodeClick function Callback function to be executed when the user clicks a node.
onNodeDoubleClick function Callback function to be executed when the user double clicks a node.
onNodeDragEnd function Callback function to be executed when the user finishes dragging a node.
onNodeDragStart function Callback function to be executed when the user starts dragging a node.
onNodeMouseEnter function Callback function to be executed when the mouse enters a node.
onNodeMouseLeave function Callback function to be executed when the mouse leaves a node.
onRelationshipDoubleClick function Callback function to be executed when the user double clicks a relationship.
zoomFit boolean Adjust the graph to the container once it has been loaded: true, false. Default: false.

JavaScript API

Function Description
appendRandomDataToNode(d, maxNodesToGenerate) Generates between 1 and maxNodesToGenerate random nodes connected to node d and updates the graph data.
neo4jDataToD3Data(data) Converts data from Neo4j data format to D3.js data format.
randomD3Data(d, maxNodesToGenerate) Generates between 1 and maxNodesToGenerate random nodes connected to node d.
size() Returns the number of nodes and relationships.
    nodes: 25,
    relationships: 50
updateWithD3Data(d3Data) Updates the graph data using the D3.js data format.
updateWithNeo4jData(neo4jData) Updates the graph data using the Neo4j data format.
version() Returns the version of neo4jd3.js.
Example: '0.0.1'


D3.js data format

    "nodes": [
            "id": "1",
            "labels": ["User"],
            "properties": {
                "userId": "eisman"
            "id": "8",
            "labels": ["Project"],
            "properties": {
                "name": "neo4jd3",
                "title": "neo4jd3.js",
                "description": "Neo4j graph visualization using D3.js.",
                "url": "https://eisman.github.io/neo4jd3"
    "relationships": [
            "id": "7",
            "type": "DEVELOPES",
            "startNode": "1",
            "endNode": "8",
            "properties": {
                "from": 1470002400000
            "source": "1",
            "target": "8",
            "linknum": 1

Neo4j data format

    "results": [
            "columns": ["user", "entity"],
            "data": [
                    "graph": {
                        "nodes": [
                                "id": "1",
                                "labels": ["User"],
                                "properties": {
                                    "userId": "eisman"
                                "id": "8",
                                "labels": ["Project"],
                                "properties": {
                                    "name": "neo4jd3",
                                    "title": "neo4jd3.js",
                                    "description": "Neo4j graph visualization using D3.js.",
                                    "url": "https://eisman.github.io/neo4jd3"
                        "relationships": [
                                "id": "7",
                                "type": "DEVELOPES",
                                "startNode": "1",
                                "endNode": "8",
                                "properties": {
                                    "from": 1470002400000
    "errors": []


Live example @ https://eisman.github.io/neo4jd3/

var neo4jd3 = new Neo4jd3('#neo4jd3', {
    highlight: [
            class: 'Project',
            property: 'name',
            value: 'neo4jd3'
        }, {
            class: 'User',
            property: 'userId',
            value: 'eisman'
    icons: {
        'Api': 'gear',
        'BirthDate': 'birthday-cake',
        'Cookie': 'paw',
        'Email': 'at',
        'Git': 'git',
        'Github': 'github',
        'Ip': 'map-marker',
        'Issues': 'exclamation-circle',
        'Language': 'language',
        'Options': 'sliders',
        'Password': 'asterisk',
        'Phone': 'phone',
        'Project': 'folder-open',
        'SecurityChallengeAnswer': 'commenting',
        'User': 'user',
        'zoomFit': 'arrows-alt',
        'zoomIn': 'search-plus',
        'zoomOut': 'search-minus'
    images: {
        'Address': 'img/twemoji/1f3e0.svg',
        'BirthDate': 'img/twemoji/1f5d3.svg',
        'Cookie': 'img/twemoji/1f36a.svg',
        'CreditCard': 'img/twemoji/1f4b3.svg',
        'Device': 'img/twemoji/1f4bb.svg',
        'Email': 'img/twemoji/2709.svg',
        'Git': 'img/twemoji/1f5c3.svg',
        'Github': 'img/twemoji/1f5c4.svg',
        'icons': 'img/twemoji/1f38f.svg',
        'Ip': 'img/twemoji/1f4cd.svg',
        'Issues': 'img/twemoji/1f4a9.svg',
        'Language': 'img/twemoji/1f1f1-1f1f7.svg',
        'Options': 'img/twemoji/2699.svg',
        'Password': 'img/twemoji/1f511.svg',
        'Project|name|d3': 'img/twemoji/32-20e3.svg',
        'Project|name|neo4j': 'img/twemoji/33-20e3.svg',
        'Project|name|neo4jd3': 'img/twemoji/31-20e3.svg',
        'User': 'img/twemoji/1f600.svg'
    minCollision: 60,
    neo4jDataUrl: 'json/neo4jData.json',
    nodeRadius: 25,
    onNodeDoubleClick: function(node) {
        switch(node.id) {
            case '25':
                // Google
                window.open(node.properties.url, '_blank');
                var maxNodes = 5,
                    data = neo4jd3.randomD3Data(node, maxNodes);
    zoomFit: true

What's coming?

Copyright and license

Code and documentation copyright 2016 the author. Code released under the MIT license. Docs released under Creative Commons.