ej-shafran / compile-mode.nvim

A plugin for Neovim inspired by Emacs' Compilation Mode
The Unlicense
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compile-mode.nvim is a Neovim plugin which emulates the features of Emacs' Compilation Mode. It allows you to run commands which are output into a special buffer, and then rerun that command over and over again as much as you need.


Compile Mode Features


Use your favorite plugin manager. compile-mode.nvim depends on plenary.nvim.

Here's an example of a Lazy config for compile-mode.nvim:

return {
  tag = "v5.*",
  -- you can just use the latest version:
  -- branch = "latest",
  -- or the most up-to-date updates:
  -- branch = "nightly",
  dependencies = {
    -- if you want to enable coloring of ANSI escape codes in
    -- compilation output, add:
    -- { "m00qek/baleia.nvim", tag = "v1.3.0" },
  config = function()
    ---@type CompileModeOpts
    vim.g.compile_mode = {
        -- to add ANSI escape code support, add:
        -- baleia_setup = true,


Contributions are welcome in the form of GitHub issues and pull requests.

For contributing details see CONTRIBUTING.md.