ejmahler / SplineLibrary

A library to collect many useful spline functions into one place.
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
269 stars 50 forks source link


A C++ library created to provide open-source reference implementations of many spline functions, e.g. Natural Splines and Catmull-Rom Splines. It's a challenge to find well-documented and FOSS implementations of these useful tools, and mathematical defintions of these things are really hard to decipher, so my hope is that this library will provide a starting point for others.

A spline is a formula for smoothly transitioning from one data point to the next in a data set. For example, you could create a spline containing ten colors (each stored as R, G, and B values) to create a color gradient that smoothly transitions from one color to the next.


Create a Catmull-Rom Spline with four data points, and compute the interpolated position at T = 0.5

std::vector<QVector2D> splinePoints{
    QVector2D( 0, 0),
    QVector2D( 5, 0),
    QVector2D( 8, 3),
    QVector2D( 6, 1),
UniformCRSpline<QVector2D> mySpline(splinePoints);
QVector2D interpolatedPosition = mySpline.getPosition(0.5f);



Glossary - Glossary of important terms for understanding splines.

Spline class API - API documentation of the Spline base class.

Spline Types - Complete list of all supported spline formulas

Spline Utilities - Documentation of some utility classes for splines.

Project Layout

The root of the repository is a Qt Creator project that demonstrates some uses of the library. The source for the spline code itself is in the "spline_library" directory, and the code to set up the demo is in the "demo" directory.


Drop the spline_library directory in the root source folder of your project. It's header-only, so from here all you need to do is import it from your own code.

spline_library/spline_inverter.h and spline_library/arclength.h depend on Boost's Math module. If you don't want to install Boost, you can safely avoid including these two files - nothing else includes it, and nothing else relies on Boost.

Both the demo and the spline_library code require a fully compliant C++14 compiler.


Follow these steps to run the demo (Assuming you already have Qt 5.5+ installed and working):

  1. Install Boost. On Linux, this is in most package managers. On Mac, it can be installed via homebrew. Otherwise, visit http://www.boost.org/

  2. Create a file called SplineDemo_Include.pri in the root of the project

  3. In this file, paste the following, where /path/to/boost contains Boost's include files.

    INCLUDEPATH += "/path/to/boost"

    On windows, this might be: INCLUDEPATH += "C:\Boost\boost_1_60_0"

    On Mac, this might be: INCLUDEPATH += /usr/local/Cellar/boost/1.59.0/include

  4. Run qmake on SplineDemo.pro to generate a makefile, then build the makefile, and run the compiled executable

  5. OR, open SplineDemo.pro in Qt Creator and press play


This code is available under the Simplified BSD License

This project includes the nanoflann library for fast nearest-neighbor queries, which is also available under the Simplified BSD License
