ejrgilbert / whamm

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The logo for whamm!. Shows a spice jar with the WebAssembly logo, but with the 'h' and 'mm' letters written in between the 'wa' to spell 'whamm'.


build book

Debugging Wasm? Put some whamm! on it!

whamm! is a tool for "Wasm Application Monitoring and Manipulation"1, a DSL inspired by the D language.

Getting Started

Take a look at the official whamm! book for how to get started with this language.


To run basic build:

cargo build

To run tests:

cargo test
cargo test parser # Only run the tests for the `parser` module
cargo test -- --nocapture # With stdout tracing

To run project (there are example Scripts in tests/scripts folder):

cargo run -- instr --app <path_to_app_wasm> --script <path_to_script> <path_for_compiled_output>

To specify log level:

RUST_LOG={ error | warn | info | debug | trace | off } cargo run -- --app <path_to_app_wasm> --script <path_to_script> <path_for_compiled_output>

To visually debug the decision tree used during Wasm bytecode emission:

cargo run -- vis-script --script <path_to_script>

Available Packages

NOTE: There was discussion for moving the probe mode to the front of the specification (e.g. mode:provider:package:event); however, after thinking through this, I don't think it makes sense until I have a firmer grasp on the types of modes we will have in this language. If there are more than before/after/alt (that are event-specific), then it would be confusing from a language-intuition perspective. This is primarily because reading through the spec implies a movement from higher-to-lower levels of granularity, everything being provided by what proceeds it. If we were to move mode to the front, but then have event-specific options, this property would no longer hold.

Currently available:

To be added:

Example: wasi:http:send_req:alt wasm:bytecode:call:alt wasm:fn:enter:before

The book

If you are wanting to deploy the book locally, use the following commands:

# Install the mdbook cargo package
cargo install mdbook

# Start the mdbook server and open the URL
cd docs
mdbook serve --open

This can be useful for offline learning OR for debugging documentation while doing updates (any local changes will automatically be updated in the served book pages).

1: The 'h' is silent.